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Every step she took felt like walking on knives.

Every time glides and turns are observed, one wrong move will lead to a deeper penalty.

As she took the last pivot turn, she landed perfectly and gracefully on one knee, an arm swiftly spread sideward while the order bending aligned her chest.

After a 3-second pause, their instructors clapped, signaling a marvelous performance.

"Good job, dancers. I hope this will keep up until next week, okay? We don't want our sponsors to complain, right?" the head mentor Jinri said, a smile playing on her lips, but her tone is rather strict than soft.

"Yes, miss!" the group of 15 girls replied with a graceful bow.

Once dismissed, they all groaned and plopped on the wooden floor board, some massaging their worn-out legs while others just sat still to relax their muscles.

The only girl with sleek black short hair started to stretch lightly, pulling out her tight ballet shoes right after.

She winced at the contact of the cold, hard floor, her toes red, and really needed to be put up in rest.

She then reached for her duffle bag, lazily putting the shoes inside.

"Na Yeoreum? Someone named Jung Yoon Oh is looking for you" one of their assistant mentors said, his head peeking through the glass doors.

She replied with a thank you and stood up, sliding in her black slippers, and ran outside.

"Ah, my favorite ballerina." Yoonoh greeted with his arms spread wide, earning a raised brow from the smaller, petite girl.

He began pouting and lightly stomping his feet like a whining kid.

Yeoreum chuckled and hugged the older man, shrieking as she felt her body being squeezed and carried.

Yoonoh dropped her to the floor once again and ruffled her hair. "You're still in your dance clothes. Hurry up, I'll be waiting here."

"Yeah, wait up!" She then stormed inside once again, picking up her bag and rushing to the attached changing room.

She took off her usual tights and leotards, slipping into a black oversized shirt tucked in a black baggy short that almost reached her knee.

She then began putting her discarded clothes in an organized manner, pulling out her black cap before closing the bag and carrying it out.

"Yeoreum oppa!" her best friend slash best bitch, Baek Yeji, called out once she stepped out, rolling her eyes in the process.

"You're waiting for him again?" Yeoreum asked, and the other eagerly nodded.

"It's our anniversary today." she proudly said, earning some cheers from the other girls and a disgusted look from her best friend.

"Oh, come on, if Yoonoh isn't your cousin, I bet my soul that you'll date him."

Yeoreum just snickered and wore her cap, almost covering her eyes.

"Sadly, he's my cousin. Stay yourself, girls!"


As soon as she reached the guy's spot, she instantly smacked his head, tearing his focus from his phone.

"Very funny, Yeoreum."

The girl just laughed and clung to his arm.

Yoonoh shook his head while chuckling, grabbing the duffle bag off her hold, and they started walking.

"Seriously, Reum, you really don't look like a girly ballet dancer."

"Oh, come on, every girl has this side of hers too. It's just that"

"I like to dress like boys because it's comfortable." he cuts in with a mocking voice.

"Glad, you know." she giggled and began skipping her way until they reached the older man's car.


Once the cousins reached their shared apartment, Yeoreum instantly slumped on the huge sofa, one foot on the arm rest while the other lazily dropped down on the floor.

"Wash first, Na."

"Shut up, Jung"

The boy just rolled his eyes and entered his room.

While Yeoreum is just blankly staring at the empty peach ceiling, a sudden glow on her wrist leaves her unknowing.

The sun tattoo that's been lingering on her wrist since she turned 18 slowly glowed in a hue of orange.

The oblivious girl is still in her own little world, feeling exhaustion engulfing her system as her eyelids start to get heavy.

Little did she know that the glow practically warned her that her soulmate was hurt.

Little did she know that the glow practically warned her that her soulmate was hurt

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Hi! Welcome to the second book of Untitled Universe, Twisted!

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