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Donghyuck lowly growled when he saw her eyes glimmer, not because of happiness but because of the tears trickling on the sides.

"Step the hell out, boy."

He scoffed, gritting his teeth as he eyed the unmasked man with hostile eyes.

"How shit you are" he grumbled and kicked him away, the strong force making him drop to the ground as the small knife landed on the girl's feet.

Donghyuck then pulled her behind him, crouching down and gripping the man's collar, landing an angry fist on his face.

For a reason that he didn't know

His body may or may not have reacted on its own after hearing her troubled voice and seeing her teary orbs.

The feeling of intense anger ran through his nerves when the man touched her, and the small voices clouded his mind to protect her.

Is it really?

"How. dare. you. touch. her?", Donghyuck gritted as he landed blows on the man in every word

"Oh boy" Jisung snickered and eyed the smaller boy, who looked amused by the situation, like watching a free-action movie.

"Hey, let's get to them before he kills him."

"Ah, why?" Chenle whined, making the younger roll his eyes, and he threw his emptied bubble tea in the trash bin not far away from them. "He be killing for his soul—ahh!"

Chenle then pouted after letting the boy drag him to the scene.

"Hyuck, stop." Yeoreum pleaded while tugging the boy's shirt.

"You fucking want me to chop your hands off? You want that?"

"Hyuck please–"

"Hey, hey, stop it before the police come." The familiar voice of Jisung made him stop, his crumpled fist halting on the air as he dropped it to his lap.

Chenle took Donghyuck's grip off the man's collar and dialed a number "Hello, yes this is Chenle. Can you please send the police to the address that I'll be sending?"

Donghyuck stood up with a sigh, eyeing the man who looked like he had been beaten up by a group.

He felt a shaky hand clutching his shirt, looking over his shoulder to see the girl hiding on his back.

"I suggest you take her home, hyung. The police are on their way. My people will take care of it." Chenle said, tapping his shoulder while flashing a reassuring smile to Yeoreum.

Donghyuck took a sharp exhale and took the girl's hand in his, mindlessly interlocking their fingers, which made her snap up.

"Let's go" he mumbled, leading her across the road with the two boys following behind.


"Wait up!" Yoonoh yelled as he ran to the door, ready to curse out of whoever's life for ringing the doorbell a million times.

By the time he opened, the familiar face greeted him, shoving him aside as he welcomed himself inside.

But it wasn't him that Yoonoh had his eyes widen.

It was the girl who lay asleep on his back.

"What the fuck happened?"

But the boy ignored him, making his way to the girl's bedroom, which he oddly became familiar with, with Yoonoh frantically following behind.

Donghyuck carefully laid her on the bed, already cussing the hell out of him for being so soft and gentle when he hates the thought of having a soulmate.

Or so he thought.

"Now tell me" Yoonoh persisted as they stepped out of her room.

"A thief threatened her."


"You better not wake her up." he glared and made his way to the door.

"I mean, how did you.."

Donghyuck sighed and slipped in his shoes

"So it happened when we're on the same street and Jisung saw her, and yeah, that happened."

"The thief?"

By that, Donghyuck smirked.

"Jail," he simply answered, seeing his way out.

Yoonoh heaved a sigh, shaking his head in both amusement and shock.

"I never thought a Lee Donghyuck would do that."

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now