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It has been a week since Chanwoo kept bugging the girl. From the moment she arrived at school, her lockers, the cafeteria, everywhere.

It was indeed a whole hell for Yeoreum; he couldn't get out of his traps and ended up alone with the same words.

"Na yeoreum, be ready, aye?"

It's their last exam day and the last subject. students being locked up in the dead silent room as their minds are busy working, hands writing the possible answers to every question on the test sheet.

"5 minutes" their proctor announced, and a series of groans left their lips.

Yeoreum dropped her pencil beside the test sheet, feeling satisfied with her answers but still nervous about the results.

I'm done!

[Really? Did you do alright?]

I don't know.

[Don't worry, you'll pass.]

Easy for you to say

"Pass your test sheets. Once done, you may go."

The students scurried to the back door, Yeoreum, being extra happy because exams were finally over.

"I'm going to die back there." Yeji groaned as she ruffled her hair, making Yeoreum chuckle.

"At least you didn't."

"Argh! Why did I even slack in biology?"

"Me too"

"You? Wow, girl, you literally topped it all." she scoffed.

"I didn't–"

"Hi Yeoreum"

"Well shit," she whispered and grabbed Yeji's wrist, dragging her faster.

"Wait! Yeoreum, wait!"

But the girl ignored her calls and is now running nowhere.

They stopped at a mini-field near the gates, both catching their breaths.


"What was that?"

"I'm running from him."

"Chanwoo? What did he do this time?"

Yeoreum took a deep sigh. Now they had regained their stance and normally walked to the gates.

Sstill being weird."

"That you should be ready?"

Yeoreum nodded, and the other shrugged in goosebumps.


"Hell, he is. I don't even know what he means!"

"Do you think he's just teasing you?"

"For a week? Really? For what?"

"To scare you or something?"

"His shadow alone is scary. Why me in the first place?"

Yeji shrugged, and her face lit up. "Oh, oppa!"

Yeoreum's eyes trailed on her friend, seeing her hugging her own soulmate excitedly.

She heard her giggles and the boy's sweet comments, feeling so cringe but nevertheless supporting them.

"Reum! I can drop you off!" Junkyu said while motioning for her to come with them.

Yeoreum contemplated for awhile, but the thought of living the couple alone beats her to it.

"No, it's okay. You two go ahead." she said the moment she reached their spot.

"But it's already 6," Yeji worriedly said.

"No, I'm going to be okay. Go take her, Kyu, I can manage."

"Okay, but text us once you arrive home, okay? You're too small, so mind the trucks."

"You little shit!" but she was cut off when the couple burst laughing.

"When Junkyu said you'd text us, then text us. Take care, okay?"

"Yes ma'am"

"We'll get going, Reum." Junkyu said, ruffling her hair.

With a series of further reassurances and goodbyes, Yeoreum was left at the street walk, hands gripping her bag in habit.

"Well, let the lonely trip start." she breathed out, and she began walking ahead.

Her eyes were darted at the faint orange clouds, slowly engulfed with dark ones.

"Should I take the bus in this hour?" she asked herself.

"Or just walk?"

In the middle of thinking, she suddenly felt a sharp thing digging her torso, making her halt.

"Yeoreum, that's you, right?" an unknown voice whispered.

With different horrifying memories flashing out, her breaths began to get uneven, her eyes widening, and her knees getting weaker.

A series of gunfire, explosions, and screams haunted her, and she felt the air loosening in her lungs as she began hyperventilating.

"Na little trouble."

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now