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Yeoreum heaved a sigh, resting her head on her open palms, arm propped up on the desk as she secretly yawned, droopy eyes forcing to open as she tried hard to open her ears to whatever lessons her purposeful communication teacher was blabbering about.

She felt a foot nudging hers, tilting aside just to see Yeji looking at her while stifling her laughter.

"What?" she mouthed.

"Don't sleep" Yeji mouthed back.

The shorter woman just lowly groaned and rolled her eyes.

There's nothing good in the lessons anyway.

Meanwhile, Donghyuck heard that.

He scoffed a laugh, earning looks from the other boys who's just lazing out in the living room.

"Why go to school then?" he mumbled.

"What?" Jaemin asked, and the older man just shrugged.

"Is it Yeoreum?" Chenle asked with excited googly eyes, making Donghyuck throw a second glare.

"Child dude, the dolphin just wanted to ask for his friend." Jeno said, shrugging.

"Anyways, are you talking?" Renjun asked while busying himself with painting, a hobby that he had acquired since he was young.

"No, she's just busy blabbering about how her teacher is boring and all."

That made the boys chuckle.

"School sucks," Jisung said, earning looks of disbelief. "What?" he pouted.

"Just because we agreed to not send you to college doesn't mean we can't force you to go again." Mark smirked.

"What unfair! Hyungs didn't go too!"

"Oh, Jisung, my lovely, adorable Mochisung, you dared to call us hyung with a pout just to get what you want." Jaemin said ever so softly, but his sharp eyes beat it.

The youngest just sighed, making Chenle chuckle while patting his head.

"Anyways, I really find your soulmate familiar. I don't know." Jaemin said, making the others literally freeze for seconds but regain themselves right after.

"Well, maybe you saw her around sometimes," Donghyuck replied with an awkward little laugh.

"Okay." The blonde just shrugged.

"Okay!" Mark started with a loud clap, practically saving the sudden awkward atmosphere. "A trip to the hair salon. Who's up?"


"Enlighten me again about why I'm with you."

Mark took a sharp exhale, turning to the younger, "You came with me, Jaemin."

"Right, only me," he sighed and stood up. "I'm going to the bakery; you're taking too long anyway."

"Ugh, is it a bad idea to dye my hair again?"

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now