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It took them an estimated 4 hours to arrive in Chuncheon. Mark parked the van in the deep trees. Ahead of it is the Headquarter's backyard, which Woojin described as the safest (at least not that bad) way in.

Both Chenle and Jisung immediately flashed their way to the planned hill, which was not too far and just the tastiest spot for them to snipe.

As usual, Donghyuck and Mark cleared the first path, while Jeno and Jaemin took the left base.

They still don't believe the former StrayKids member. Who knows if he has a disgusting plan?

[The coast is clear.]

Jeno and Mark nodded at each other and scurried in their own ways.

Donghyuck took the liberty to kick off the back door and instantly fired with Mark at the backup.

Numerous men have fallen down, the two easily clearing the path, with Renjun assisting on the other line.

[There were no IKON members on reach, but I scanned a man named Seunghoon, Headquarter's manager, according to what Woojin said.]

"Where?" Mark asked while constantly firing and flinging knives.

[Second floor, last room to the left, but first you need to clear the entire hall. Jeno and Jaemin, stop are eating the chocolates and fucking helping them, I swear.]

They heard the giggles from the two, causing them to roll their eyes as they loaded more bullets.

[Hyung, should we take a shot?] Jisung asked

"Just remain aiming; we still have to squish some information. Shoot if he'll pull out a weapon." Donghyuck answered

[But, hyung, I see him hiding a gun now.] Chenle informed

"I thought you're looking for fun, Hyuck?" Mark smirked.

Donghyuck deeply chuckled and skillfully threw the dagger square at the man's chest and hopped through every man's back, kicking their spines until he reached the dagger, pulling it out.

"Chenle, fire."

A painful scream then echoed from the second floor.

"Ooooohhh, sexy" they heard Jaemin say while he came face-to-face with a tall, gorgeous man. "Name, sweetie?"

"Fuck off, you gay!"

"Ouch, just tryna be nice.. but okay," he then effortlessly slashed his rib deep, blood splashing on his white top.

He watched as the man dropped and held his chin while smiling sweetly. "And lastly, I'm not gay. Now tell Satan how gorgeous my smile was." He then slashed his throat and left him there.

"That's sexy, Nana." Jeno smirked as he ran to dig his knife into the man who dared to touch the blonde.

"Awww, Nono, that's sweet! You saved me!"

[Scurry off, gays. The two are already on the second floor. Now raid the first room to your right. They have lots of medical supplies there.]

"You're just jealous, Renjunie."

[Shut the fuck up. I have my girl, and you have yours too.]

"Ouch" Jeno teased, earning a hard punch on the arm.

The two leaders, on the other hand, faced the wounded man, arms crossed, as they leaned toward the closed door, as relaxed as ever.

"You won't gain enough from me."

"It's okay, we still have...4 sub-HQ's to go. Killing you right here, right now isn't a big deal." Donghyuck sassed as he sucked on a lollipop, which he just stole from a candy counter.

"Then kill me!"

Mark raised a brow and pushed himself to stand up, walking towards the man.

"You know, Seunghoon, you have the chance to live. Just say what you know, and you're free."

"Liar! People with common sense knew that you're merciless enough to—AH!" he dropped down after a new bullet dug into his knee.

"You talk too much." Donghyuck clicked his tongue and crouched down in front of him.

"Say, Seunghoon, do you want your soulmate alive?"

Seunghoon's eyes widened by a fraction. A certain glow on his wrist caught his attention as his breath hitched.

"Pity girl. She must've been hurt."

"You're a monster!"

"That's me," he smirked and grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Well?"

"IKON.. IKON" he muttered with shaky breaths. "They will reign on top of you!" He then pulled the trigger and shot the leader in the chest, but then he was sniped down dead just a second later.

"HYUCK!" Mark yelled as he carried the younger with his remaining strength. "JENO!"

"I'M HERE!" the red-haired hurriedly showed up and cleared the way.

"I'm taking the van." Chenle said.

The four boys successfully ran out, with Jaemin turning on the bombs he just installed.

"HURRY! WE HAVE 1 MINUTE!" he shouted, and they all hopped on the van.

"Damn, noona must be feeling a lot by now." Jisung mumbled as he stared down at the wounded leader's head laying on top of Mark's lap.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP, CHENLE!" Mark growled, making the younger shriek, and drove faster.

With a blast of 5 seconds, the building exploded.

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