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Donghyuck patiently waited for the call, fumbling on his phone as he sat on a swing in their backyard, lightly rocking himself back and forth.

He didn't take his eyes off the screen, ready to accept the contact, but five minutes had passed and no call flashed in.

Another minute had passed, and a sudden, pained heartbeat made him freeze for a second, listening and feeling every thump of it until he finally realized what it was.

It was Yeoreum, and the sudden glow of orange from the sun tattoo just has to prove it all.

He continuously cussed under his breath, pressing the call button under the girl's number and placing the phone in his ear.

He stood up, feeling so uneasy and nervous that he didn't know where this fright was coming from—him or Yeoreum's.

He began biting his nails, groaning at how he couldn't reach her.

Yeoreum, baby, tell me you're fine?

Reum, where are you?

Na Yeoreum!

Yeoreum, please at least reply!

"Fucking shit!" he growled and once again tapped the call for the 7th time around.

The phone is ringing, but no one is answering!

[Hi, Haechan], the same voice echoed through the other line

His breath hitched, allowing him to recognize the voice from the other line.

[Miss me?]

"Fuck you!"

A menacing laugh filled the line.

[How are you?]

"Where are you?"


"I swear if I see a single cut on her skin."

Again with those laughs.

"I'm not joking."

[Oh my god, it feels good to finally laugh.]

"Where are you?", Donghyuck's voice strains in anger  


"I swear to Satan."

[Shh, dear chill. Ok, here it is.]

Donghyuck didn't reply and waited for the male's words.

[Where do you think this sweet ballerina of yours will go?]

"Dance studio?"

[Guess again]



He took a deep breath and felt his anger continuously rising up.

[Now, lover boy, I'll give you 2 hours.]

"Shut up, you fucker."

By that, he ended the call, not wanting to hear more, and marched inside the house.

"Hyung where-" but he just passed the poor dolphin, and the younger can just stare at his firm back, "Okay?"

Donghyuck strode to his room, changing into more darker clothes—a black shirt, a black leather jacket, black flexible jeans, and his usual brown boots.

He started to collect his guns, bullets, knives, and smoke bombs from his cupboards—two guns with loaded bullets on his holsters, knives on the inner pocket of his jacket, and bombs on a small body bag.

He then passed by a full-body mirror, his dark reflection gazing with one thought in mind— to save Yeoreum.

To save his soulmate, to save the girl who's been close to his heart.

Never wanting to lose any more time, he stepped out of his room, and was greeted with a passing mark, halting in his sight.


"IKON" Donghyuck simply said


"They have Yeoreum."

Mark's eyes widen. "Hyuck."

"Man the base"

"No, wait!" he gripped the leader's wrist.

"Shi, Mmark, I only have 2 hours!"

"Give us 10 minutes."

"Are you dumb?"


It was Jeno and Jaemin who showed up after hearing the roaring voices, now eyeing Donghyuck, who's completely equipped.


"Jeno and Jaemin, call the others and get ready. You have 10 minutes." Mark instructed and dragged Donghyuck with him, grip tightening and restricting him to squirm off.

Mark flung the media room door open, seeing Renjun frantically typing on the keyboards, and numerous data points appeared on the screen that the boys' swore that their eyes hurt on the green color font.

"I got it!" Renjun yelled and faced the boys that he was aware of, glaring at Donghyuck.

"What now, Renjun?" he breathed out.

"Don't ever think of doing this alone, dipshit. Here, I already accessed the location of the phone."

Both Donghyuck and Mark's mouths parted in amusement, and the hacker smirked, "You're welcome. Now go and get your girl."

The leader nodded, feeling a percent of the boulder weighing him off.

"Okay, operation save Yeoreum, let's go!" Chenle beamed with his high-pitched dolphin voice as they all geared up in a van.

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now