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A total of five days after their meeting passed like a blazing thunderstorm to the two.

They're now locked up in the comforts of Yeoreum's bed— Donghyuck laying down while she's sitting up, trying to focus on her piled-up homework for being absent for two days.

The trip to the cousins' apartment is also a cold, thick air for Donghyuck; the raging anger of Yoonoh is still not calming, thus Yeoreum secretly called his soulmate Hana to take him for a day.

Now they have the unit by themselves, but none of them have started a conversation.

They just uttered a word or two, mostly saying "stay here", "go there", "I'm fine", and other basic replies from two awkward souls.

Yeoreum heaved a sigh. The boy took note of her cracking bones when she stretched her arms up.

He then took a sneaky glimpse of her laptop screen, catching the words Submitted!

He cleared his throat, but he was still unaware of the girl's awareness that he lowkey wanted attention, so his attempt was left unattended.

He repeated the same action again but was replied to with a different treatment: "Drink your water, Hyuck."

Donghyuck sighed, sitting up as he turned to her. "Do you have anything better to do?"

Okay, that seemed wrong.

Yeoreum scoffed, offended by his cold approach, which he really didn't mean to, but since his own tone betrayed him, now he's left with a cold shoulder again.

The girl, on the other hand, doesn't want to treat him this way. She wanted to shower him with warmth and care, but all he's doing is the exact opposite of what he wants to be treated with.

Yeoreum continued to ignore him, snuggling herself with books about mythical creatures.

Donghyuck keenly observed her—how she lovingly looked at the pages of the books, how her expression changes when she reads something, how her lips tug in a small smile, a smirk, a grin, and how her eyebrows twitch.

Unaware of his action, his own lips slowly tugged at a smile, and her eyes softened on her amused figure.

That's when Yeoreum giggled, and that made his heart flip back.

"Take a picture; it'll last longer."

Her sudden voice made him blink multiple times and fully divert his attention to the stars on the ceiling, concealing his uneven breathing and the loud thumping of his heart.

"What should I do with you?" Yeoreum breathed out and slammed the book close, making the boy tilt his head to her again. "Let's play"

His brows knitted

"Since I'm bored and I can't get mad at you any longer anyway." she said, rolling her eyes and wiggling out of the sheets that were covering her hips down to her legs.

She jumped out of bed and crouched down on the drawers of the TV stand.

Donghyuck stared at her rummaging figure until he caught sight of the material she pulled out.

"You'll play, right?" She looked over her shoulder with a beaming smile while raising the game controllers, and that made him return a small smile.

"Yeah.. I guess"


The soulmates now sprawled on the bed for almost 2 hours, gritting their teeth and hands busy in the controllers as they challenged each other in Mario Kart.

"Ya aish!" Donghyuck yelled as he playfully kicked her leg when she bumped him.

Yeoreum just laughed; her melodious tone filled his ears and even gave him a fair amount of warmth for hours now.

For once, he didn't hate the fact that she's making him feel different.

With further hesitations and numerous self-beatings, he's trying to let her in.

Being afraid of what a Jung Yoonoh can do is an understatement.

But the fear of being dead in the older man's hands isn't the reason why he let himself soften in this decision.

"If I let my pride push her away, then I'm letting a perfect woman go."


Holy shit, I lost

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now