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"Don't you have anything better to do!" the leader slammed his hands on his desk, causing the other six boys to flinch and refuse to make eye contact.

"Who even recruited that stupid trash? Or even appointed him for the mission!"

The underboss sighed, placing a red folder in front of him.

"These are all the details we got from our schoolboy here."

All eyes now darted on the youngest, leaning on a wall with a lollipop in his mouth.

"What? I got everything you needed there." he said with a shrug.

The tallest of all smirked, placing his iPad on the desk.

"It looks like Woojin didn't fail at all." his usual confident, deep raspy voice made the leader convinced and peeked through the screen.

His demeanor changed, with a playful grin on his lips.

It was ongoing audio record.


Yeoreum excitedly skipped her way on the neighborhood, the sun beaming up, but the wind breeze was chilly, and it raised her mood even more.

She already informed Yoonoh and Haechan that she'd meet with the girls at a newly opened Café, which is owned by Yeji's soulmate, Junkyu, and his friends.

The bus ride isn't that long; it just took her 25 minutes to reach the neighboring city, and she happily got off.

With the minimal help of Google Maps, she reached the Café in no time and was greeted with loud, booming music.

since 2020

Yeoreum pushed the glass door open, the sound of the chimes ringing.



Both Yeji and Naih engulfed her in a tight hug and pulled her to the booth.

"Hey, this place is amazing."

"Glad to hear that!"

The girl flinched at the sudden voice and was greeted with a smiley boy, whom she assumed was her age.

"Hi! I'm Park Jihoon, and I'm ready to serve!"

Yeji broke out in a chuckle and said, "No need to be so bubbly. We're not strangers."

Jihoon frowned. "I'm practicing you, brat."

And before Yeji could spat back, Yeoreum covered her mouth and smiled at the boy, "Hi, I'm Yeoreum, and congratulations on the successful opening."

"You bet! All prices are half now. I don't know why Hyunsuk made it, but okay, so.. any orders?"

"I already told Junkyu." Yeji butts in.

"Oh, no girlfriend pass, but okay, I'll head off. Happy eating!"

"He's so loud." Naih giggled.

"Watch this place being a chaotic mess. Those 12 boys are seriously a headache." Yeji nags.

[Call me]

Huh? Can I just talk like this?


Brat, but okay


"Hey, I'll just call Hyuck." she excused and the two girls just shooed her off.

Yeoreum clicked her tongue and stormed out.

By the time she reached a spot away from the music and busy people, she pulled out her phone and unlocked it.

But when she was about to press call, she was suddenly held harshly, and a handkerchief blocked her nose and mouth.

She inhaled the scent in panic, beating herself about why she did it, and now she felt her body slowly weaken from the effect.

The grip of the person is just too tight for her to get off.

She dropped her phone, and her eyes were forcefully shut as her body was giving up.


[Hello, Haechan!] the caller beamed 

"Stop pussying out and face me! Give Yeoreum back, you son of a bitch!"

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