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"YOU ROCKED BACK THERE!" Chenle beamed as they all pulled away from the bone-crushing hug.

They didn't lie when they said that they'd suffocate her.!

"Seriously, guys, your voices are the loudest. I was so shocked" the ballerina said while wiping her happy tears away.

"Correction. It's Na Jaemin's voice." the boy sassed, earning baffled looks from the others.

"Noona, you're so jjang!" Jisung exclaimed with two thumbs up.

"Although I felt the most secondhand embarrassment, really, Reum, you're the best ballerina I have known." Renjun said.

"Aww, thank you guys! Oh yeah, where's Yoon?"

"HEY!" the said older came popping out and once again engulfed her in a hug. "Did I fill in the performances that I missed?"

"Hmmm, nope! You should still buy me ice cream!"

Yoonoh chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Thank you for coming."

"You wished" he replied with a sweet smile.

"Yo! I'm up for dinner. Who wants to join?" Mark said, raising his wallet.

"Oh, yeah, I might as well grab the opportunity." Jeno excitedly clapped.

"It's the first time! Oh my god! Yeoreum should dance every day, so Mark-hyung will open his wallet!" they hissed at Chenle's booming voice while Jisung was trying his hardest to shut the boy up.

The majority decided for a chicken place, causing the pork rib line to follow, of course, if Jisung's aegyo will satisfy them.

But honestly, it was Jaemin who stepped in the middle of the youngest's aegyo time, and the others agreed to dine in the chicken place not because he's cute but because it's annoying.

They all headed to the van, with more shouting and bickering on display.

Yoonoh caught sight of a familiar mop of brown hair, causing him to squint his eyes in the darkness.

Just when the figure showed up, he smiled.

"Jung Yoonoh, hurry up!" Yeoreum yelled.

The boy nodded, causing the older man to scurry away.

Donghyuck watched until the van was out of sight, inhaling the crisp, chilly air as he also hopped in his motorcycle and wore his helmet.

His eyes landed on the pink one, hanging on one of the handles, and he smiled sadly at the memories of her using it.

He really messed up big time.


"Rise and shine!" a familiar dolphin voice rang in his ears, causing his sleepiness to wash away completely.

"Chenle, what?" he groggily said while rubbing his eyes.

"We're raiding the Chuncheon headquarters, remember!"

that made him slowly sit up and stretch his arms with a yawn.

"Are the others awake?"

"Obviously, I lost the staring contest, and here I am waking you up," he grumbled and stomped out of the grand room, leaving Donghyuck chuckling.

He did his morning routine and gear himself.

Lots of knives are stored inside his leather jacket, and he flashes down the stairs while carrying a duffle bag full of guns, bullets, and smoky bombs.

"Yo, eat up first." Mark called and gestured for him to come.

He settled between the ChenJi duo, stopping them from bickering.

When he looked ahead, he saw Jaemin sitting in front of him, which made him oddly uneasy.

Maybe because ever since the siblings reunited, he's gotten farther away from the blonde because of his piled mistakes for his sister.

"They placed first." Jaemin voiced out between the thick silenced air. "We ate dinner right after and went home." he added.

And Donghyuck knew. He was there.

Maybe not in the chicken place, but Yoonoh kept on updating him about it.

"I suggest you don't take the main fight. Yeoreum will."

"You have a soulmate too, Jaem. It's kind of unfair to let you battle and I'll just chill because I have to protect her."

"That's why you'll take the car, so you won't"

"Enough. You two will fight." Mark cuts in with a stern voice. "You'll take care of yourselves so your soulmates won't take any pain, and I believe Haechan will take a safe route, right?"

Donghyuck pursed his lips tight and sighed.

He's planning to take the direct route and finish them once and for all, but being tied up with Yeoreum, she will surely take the shots of pain.

"Right?" Mark pushed in with gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I will." he replied.

"Good. Renjun already has access prior to Woojin's statements. Eat up so we can arrive at least before the sun rises."

Nothing can possibly go wrong, right?

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