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"Ahh, you're here."

Yet instead of running, Donghyuck dropped to the ground and groaned out loud.

Hanbin's booming laughs filled their ears as NCT winced at the tone.

Taeyong clicked his gun and was about to shoot him, but Chanwoo aimed at the whimpering girl, blood gushing down on her wound.

"NO! DON'T!" Donghyuck yelled and clutched his abdomen, hissing at the pain on his thigh and his knee.

No, he hasn't been shot. It was Yeoreum's.

Reum.. Reum, look at me.

The girl let out a silent cry and used her remaining energy to look at him.

We'll get this over with, okay?

He saw her smile, but the weight of her being tortured killed him inside, and the tattoo is burning red.

He stood up, shrugging off the pain that was getting heavier and heavier each second.

Yeoreum, please fight.

[I'm sorry..I love you.]

Tears gushed down his face as he slowly limped in their direction.

The boys can just look at them, beating themselves on the inside as they can't do anything.

"Whatever happens, don't meddle."

"What! Are you insane? You'll end up..."

"It's between me and Hanbin, okay?"

"Hyuck, no. It's between me and him. I'm the target."

"No, Jaem. This is a do-or-die"

They all sat in silence.

"When the leader is down, it's immediately over."

"I can't watch." Renjun breathed out as he tilted his head aside.

"I can't—wait, where's Chenle and Jisung?" Jaemin panicked.

"Step down, Haechan." Hanbin said with a grin.

"No.. never"

"Then we'll–"


Hanbin raised a brow.

"I'll end you myself"

And he laughed once again. "Oh, you won't," he said, then fired at the boy's rib, making him stumble back.

"Oh no, you didn't." Donghyuck said, then pulled a gun and quickly fired on his abdomen.

"Bring it on."

"Chenle, quick!" Jisung hurriedly looked for a better view.

"Ugh, the house is so closed up." the older man grunted as he carried the sniper. "Such a bad time to be highly secured."

"Quit rambling and just take aim, will you? They'll die!"

"Yes, Mr. Park."

The two leaders battled against each other; while Jungwoo and Doyoung had already taken Yeoreum to the medical room and proceeded to work.

Donghyuck has 4 knife wounds and 1 gun wound already, while he managed to slash 6 to the other.

They're limping and heavily breathing as they carry their prides on the line.

Although Hanbin is completely wounded, Donghyuck is still at a disadvantage.

Yeoreum's pains are making him weaker.

"You disgusting shit!" He landed a punch on the older man's jaw, making him drop to the ground.

Not long after, Chanwoo and Jinhwan were sniped down, taking Hanbin out of focus.

Donghyuck took this chance to shoot him down, but his bullets also pierced his chest.

Soon Hanbin took the showering bullets, and they both dropped down.


Donghyuck winced in pain and was carried up by Yoonoh. "We'll take you."



"She– ah!"

"Hyuck, what? Can you say it again?" Mark panicked as they ran.

"I can't feel her."

That made Yoonoh halt, making the others stop too.

"What did you say?"

Yet he only  received heavy breaths from the boy.

"H-hyung." Jaemin started "the tattoo.."

And they all glanced at his wrist.

"It's fading.."

I love you too, Yeoreum.

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now