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"Now, let's take you somewhere, hm?"

"Hands off"

The man cussed under his breath, able to recognize the voice, but before he could turn back, strong arms started to strangle him, causing him to let go of the girl.

Yeoreum's frail body dropped to the ground, not being able to move a single muscle as she bit her lower lip to conceal her cries.

The man started to squirm out of the boy's hold, but the loose air beat him to it until he fainted.

His body was harshly dropped on the ground, and the boy rushed to the girl's side, kneeling down to meet her height.


"Get him. Get him away."

Donghyuck shut his eyes close for a second, feeling the emotions she's surrounded with.

He gently cupped her cheeks and tilted upwards to face him, and his heart broke seeing the painful tears gliding on her skin.

"Stop crying, please."

That made her cry even more. Her body trembling, her breaths uneven as her sobs turned louder.

Donghyuck sighed, grabbing the back of her head and pushing her to his chest.

She nuzzled closer to him, her hands gripping the material of his shirt, wanting to feel much more secure in his embrace.

With more reason to take her home, the boy quickly sent a message to Chenle, asking for some assistance from his men about the fainted body.

"Yeoreum, let's take you home."


Donghyuck grabbed the man's collar and pulled him up, the excessive anger running up on his nerves as he eyed the man in full rage.

His eyes were dark, his jaw was clenching, and his neck and arm veins were popping up from the pressure.

"Who sent you?"


"WHO SENT YOU!" His roaring voice made goosebumps run on the man but gradually stopped when he was thrown on the cold floor board once again.

His face bloodied, his hands cuffed behind him, and his ankles tied together—he looked like a helpless worm.

Donghyuck yelled in frustration, the echoes making the other boys flinch as they watched the scene from the glass panel inside their own interrogation room.

Donghyuck did take the girl home, waited until Yoonoh came back, and informed him of the situation.

He once again told the older man that he wanted to get away from Yeoreum as much as possible, but it was literally impossible since they're tied and should keep in contact for the next five days.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now