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Two days eventually passed, and now it felt normal to the boys.

Too normal that they usually overthink.

They just finished the hell training, and they felt like dying.

"Gosh, I completely forgot how training works." Yuta mumbled while slumping on the carpeted floor.

"We're so not fit." Lucas whined.

"Be shy, will you? Look at the Dreamies; they handled training much better than you." Taeyong rolled his eyes.

"Duh, it's because they've been very active all these years. We haven't trained for like an eternity." Johnny said.

"Exclude me in that. I'm a black hole in physical training." Renjun showed up while tossing bottled drinks to the older ones.

"Jeno became more muscular than Yuta, though." Yoonoh snorted.

"Excuse me!?"

"What? Jaehyun's right." Doyoung said, and the Japanese just glared at them.

"It's too chill in here." Lucas sighed.

"I know, right. Something's not right." Johnny shrugged.

"Let's just appreciate the moment for now. We're joining the fight tomorrow."

Silence filled the air.

Taeyong's words just pierced their ears, ringing continuously.

Right, tomorrow.


"Ow!" Haechan bit his finger and glared at the crocodile toy, whose mouth's now closed.

"Yes! I won again!" Yeoreum jabbed the air and ruffled the boy's hair.

"It's biased!"

"What, how could it be?" she facepalmed and grabbed his hand, kissing his index finger that was bitten by the crocodile. "True love's kiss works every time." Yeoreum sheepishly smiled, making him chuckle.

"Right, you know Reum.."


"My lips are sore from the training. Johnny-hyung punched me." he pouted.

She rolled her eyes and instead flicked his forehead.

"Your lips are perfectly fine, Hyuck."

"But Reeuummiieee~"

She gave him a disgusted look, watching him shake his body while whining in a baby voice.

"Gosh, Jaemin is such a bad influence," she deadpanned and pulled his collar, crashing her lips against his for a second. "Happy?"

"Awww, one more."

She faked a smile and lightly slapped his lips.

"Fine" he pouted and looked at the ChenJi duo, who's struggling to arrange dominoes.

"AAAHHHHH!" Chenle screamed when the dominoes fell one by one.



"You won't get away from me!" Jeno yelled while trying his hardest to pass the older

"Come on, I'm the god here." Jungwoo said, too relaxed as he pushed the controllers.

And yes, he ended up taking first place in Kart Riding—again.

"Because we're rotten."

"TO THE CORE!" Renjun and Jaemin both chorused and laughed.

"Gosh, Descendants again." Yeoreum sighed, and the boy just stole a peck on her cheek. "Hyuck!?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now