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Faint knocks rang in Donghyuck's ears, tossing over just to feel something soft on his hand.

Squinting his eyes in the direction, he saw a smaller ones clasping his. A light and comfortable feeling rushed through his system as he fully woke up.

He took a glance on the other side of the bed, seeing the girl all curled up under the sheets, only her head down to her eyes peeking out.

Finding it oddly cute, a smile tugged on his lips.

Another set of knocks made him groan, wiggling himself out of the covers, careful not to wake her up.

Not caring about his disheveled appearance, he opened the door, revealing Jaemin's hand up in the air, which seemed about to knock again.

"Oh, cousin Jae asks for you."

"He's up already?"

"Um, it's 6 AM, and he said Yeoreum still have school."

His mouth formed into an O, nodding as he stepped out and got downstairs with Jaemin.

They were greeted by the other boys in the dining area, except for Chenle and Jisung, who's usually taking their time to sleep until lunch time.

Yoonoh's face lit up, a teasing smile playing on his lips as the younger ran his tongue on his lower lip, all annoyed in the early morning.

"How's the night, future family?"

"Shut up" he grumbled, but the older man just laughed and sipped on his coffee.

"How's your wound?"

"What wound- oh" he said, looking at his arm, which appeared to be in good condition.

"I bet all my computer knows that it's all healed." Renjun said, and he shoved a spoonful of rice and sausage in his mouth.

"Take off the bandage, Hyuck." Mark said, and the younger man obliged.

His eyes then widened in fraction and he ran his fingers where the bullet dug, but there's no trace of the wound.

No hole, no scar, nothing.

"I present the power of soulmate bond, my dear friend!" Jaemin beamed, making the others chuckle.

Donghyuck just sighed and stood up, the blood-stained bandage on his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"Wake up Yeoreum, what else?" he said nonchalantly, but the reactions he got were the opposite.

Ignoring the teasing that took up forever, he once again slipped on his bed room, leaning down as he gently shook the sleeping girl in hopes that she'd wake up.

"Wake up"

A series of small whines escaped her lips, snuggling closer to the duvet.

"Yeoreum, I'm serious, you'll get late."

"Letmesleep", she mumbled almost incoherently

Donghyuck sighed, walking over to the other side of the bed.

Yeoreum felt the soft mattress sink; her brows furrowed as she was about to doze off once again.

There's really something about this place that lulled her to sleep.

It's the most comfortable spot that she somehow knew.



"If you won't wake up, I'll kiss you."

Yeoreum's eyes snapped open in shock, looking up to meet his brown orbs.

"Oh Hyuck.."

"Feeling comfortable, are we?" he smirked, pulling the covers off her upper body. "Get up, you have school."

"I can skip"

Donghyuck seethed, making her lips turn into a pout, and slowly sat up with a yawn.

"How's your wound?" she asked with her still morning hoarse voice, stretching her hand up and hearing small cracks.

Donghyuck  was beyond amused, staring at the girl who seemed free in his own place.

For once, he didn't get angry. Heck, the boy doesn't even stand a chance to sleep in his room.

"Hyuck?" She was confused by the lack of response, turning to him just to see him staring at her already.

She flickered his forehead and broke out in a giggle, ignoring his glares.

"I see it all healed up." she smiled warmly and hopped off the bed.

"Thanks for letting me stay, Hyuck."

"Not like I have a choice."

"Still, you didn't throw me out of the window. I kind of thought about waking up outside the house."

They both lightly laughed.

"Oh, you laughed!"

"I'm didn't" he grumbled and turned to his usual resting bitch face again.

Yeoreum just playfully scoffed, "Thanks again, soulmate. Glad I healed you." She giggled and waddled to the door.

As soon as she stepped out, Donghyuck took a deep sigh, slumping back on the bed.

He can feel every hard thump of his heart, the fast pace making his nose scrunch.

"Soulmate" he mumbled.

Is it really the best thing that could happen?

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now