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Yeoreum woke up by almost noon, feeling so weak and helpless as she began rolling to the edge of the bed so that she could put her feet down on the floor.

She flinched at the contact on the cold floor board, pushing herself with the starting strength she had, and puffed her hair out of her face.

Her mind raked at the memories from yesterday; the feeling of being pricked from behind made her flinch and shiver.

As if someone heard her distressed sigh, her bedroom door opened only to reveal the boy whom she was not expecting to see.


His eyes trailed on her very appearance, exhausted.

He flashed a faint smile, closing the door from behind, and walked over in her direction, crouching in front.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, making Yeoreum melt at his soft voice.


He chuckled, brushing the remaining strands away from her face and fixing her bangs. "Go shower and eat with me, okay?"

"Okay" she weakly answered and stood up with Donghyuck's help.

After a good 20 minutes, Yeoreum reached the mini dining area just aligned with the kitchen, catching the boy's attention instantly.

"You good?"

She just nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear, settling on a chair in front of him.


"He should work, remember?"

"Oh.. yeah"

"I actually pushed him to work, saying that I'd come to look for you." he explained, opening the chicken bucket he bought along the way and placing a piece on Yeoreum's empty plate. "You love chili cheese chicken, don't you?"

Yeoreum happily nodded, making a smile tug on Donghyuck's lips.

"I'm glad to hear that."

Soon after, they started to eat, Donghyuck forcing her to eat more because she hadn't eaten yet and because she really weighed less than before.

He also volunteered to wash the plates, clean the table, and throw the trash—that is, he really has to deal with a nagging Yeoreum saying he's a guest and that he shouldn't do all of the chores.

Thinking that Yeoreum should take a break from hanging out in her room, Donghyuck literally trapped her in his arms as he successfully restrained the girl from going back to her room and just cuddling on the sofa in the mini living room.

By now, Yeoreum had her head on Donghyuck's chest, snuggling closer to get as much warmth as she wanted. arms lazily situated around his waist to a side hug, legs propped up on his lap.

Just by looking at them, you can actually compare the sight of a female kid hugging her life-sized teddy bear for dear life.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now