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[Turn right, and you're there.] Renjun instructed

The boys were greeted with an abandoned theater building, seeing the yellow ribbons of warning signs situated on the huge doors.

There, it hit them.

"Um, is this the theater we raided before?" Jisung voiced out.

"I bet it is" Jaemin replied, and his eyes wandered over the surroundings.

"But why did they close it?" Jeno asked.

[That is owned by Jin Finance. Now quit talking and go.]

Donghyuck took this signal to get off the vehicle, followed by the other boys.

"Chenle, stay. We need a car escape." he instructed, and the younger man settled himself in the driver's seat.

[The back door's open.]

"Mark, Jeno at the back. Jisung, come with me. and Jaemin?"


"Did you bring your knife?"

Jaemin's eyes slowly widened, "Wha–"

"Slash them out."

That made the blonde smile widely, missing the feeling of playing with knives since the leader ripped him out of the assassin position.

"Oh you're on!"

"Good. Now split up."

[Don't be reckless and mind your backs. Good luck.]

Na Yeoreum, if you can hear me, hang in there, ok?

Donghyuck kept his eyes forward. The darkness of the hall made it impossible to clear the sight, but it also meant that they should enhance their hearing senses.

The creaking of the door opening is enough to make a sound, a clear signal that they are here, but why is no one here?


The boys halted their tracks, looking for the direction of the voice.

"It seems ahead" Jaemin whispered.

As if on cue, the lights suddenly flickered on.

Their eyes squinted at the brightness, taking time to get used to and clear their visions.

As soon as their vision adjusted, Donghyuck's breath hitched when she saw two figures on the center stage.


"HYUCK!" she yelled at the remaining strength of her shaky voice.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now