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The six boys used the dark alleyway to cross one street to another. The smell of rotten foods and the gas leakage lingered on their noses even if they're already in masks.

Donghyuck raised his right hand up, signaling to stop, which the five did.

Stance firm, guns ready in grip. 

The leader turned to Mark, nodding as a sign to start the plan.

"Jisung and Chenle" he called, and the three flashed out on the spot to the other side of the alley.

"You know you really need to give my assassin position back." Jaemin voiced out, causing the leader to hiss in a warning tone. "It will do better on this type of mission!" he whispered.

"Shut up, Jaem, the last time you flung your knives, the enemy ambushed you first." Donghyuck replied, making the blonde sighed in defeat.

[You can enter now.]

With Renjun's signal, the three walked towards the hidden metal door. Jeno did the honors to push it open, and now they were greeted by a dimly lit hallway.

Donghyuck walked first; the clicking of his boots echoed in the area.

[We're set.] Mark said.

They're at the very top of the neighboring building, and the duo already had their snipers set on the people's heads visible from the glass windows.

[Turn right]

They were greeted by four bulky men guarding the main room.

The one smirked, nodding to the other, who pushed the black door open.


With that, a rain of bullets silently and directly pierced on their skulls, the bodies dropped lifelessly on the ground with a pool of blood slowly lashing out from the open wounds.

While the sniper duo shared a silent celebration, Mark continued to be cautious, eyes on the telescope, as he wandered around the area, making sure that no one saw and advanced to them.

Donghyuck kicked another black door open, a name plate adorning the material, and the men inside immediately snapped in their direction.

The man seated on the desk smirked, eyeing the three who seemed so destructive.

"Why so serious?" he snarled with a maniacal laugh. His lime green tattoos all over his body caught the boys' attention.

Donghyuck eyed the name plate, and the man who called himself Joker

"You called" he simply said, pulling something out of his pocket, hands covered with black leather gloves, and tossing the pin, which the joker effortlessly caught.

The joker deeply chuckled, examining the pin.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now