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Slipping in her grey sweatshirt, light denim pants, and white sneakers, Yeoreum grabbed her black backpack and stepped out of her room, seeing Yoonoh already at the dining table in his usual grey office suit.

"It's your first daaaay~" he sung, and the girl could just roll her eyes and slump on the seat in front of him, stabbing the piece of bacon with her fork and taking a bite, shoving a spoonful of rice right after.

"Had a bad sleep?"

"Soulmate things" she simply answered while munching.

Yoonoh clenched his jaw for a second, killing the boy in his mind.

Nevertheless, he flashed a reassuring smile and sipped on his coffee.

"You'll get there."

"How? He didn't even say hi. His first words sucked like venom, you know. What's his problem?" she grumbled and harshly ate.

"Um, Reum, are you angry?"

"I don't know! I don't even know why I suddenly have a bad mood."

"Let me introduce you to some soulmates things, then."

The girl just raised a brow and waited for the older man to speak further.

"You see, when your bond officially starts, you'll start to feel what others might feel. For now, I think you're experiencing second-hand anger. Your soulmate might be mad then."

"Maybe he's really mad at the world, I don't know." She then shoved the last spoon of rice and stood up, placing her utensils on the sink. "Hurry up, Yoon. As much as I hate school, I still don't want to be late."

The older man clicked his tongue and chugged his coffee till the last drop. "That's oppa for you."

"Yes, hyung" she mockingly said, and she stormed back to her room to brush her teeth.


Seoul Tantiana University |

Yeoreum took a deep sigh, eyeing the large school gates before walking through them.

The strong wind passed by her, hair flowing behind her as she stride to the familiar path of year 2 college

Reaching the hallway of lockers, she let out a sharp exhale and wandered through the name badges on the locker doors.

"Yo, Summer!" the familiar booming voice of her best friend made her turn back.

"Hey Yeji"

"Don't hey Yeji me. Are you okay now? We haven't talked since that incident. I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you."

"It's fine, Ji. The event all left us in shock, I understand."

"Yeoreum! Yeji!"

The said girls have their smiles gotten wider seeing the youngest girl in their mini circle.


The three were enveloped in a tight hug.

"Hey, how's China?" Yeji asked.

"Perfectly good. I met this handsome boy one day, but he seemed so intimidating."

"What's his name?"

"I heard it's something like Park Jisung. He's with his Chinese friend Chenle, that grandson of the conglomerate CEO. Oh yeah, the Zhongs."

The two girls shrieked and bombarded her with questions, mostly not answered because the Jisung is really that serious and all.

The bell echoed the whole campus, putting a halt to their conversation.

"We'll see you at the cafeteria, okay?"

"Yes! Good luck on your first day!"

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now