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The group of six sprawled on the living room, hard breaths knocking out of their chests as they stared at nowhere.

Both Jaemin and Jeno are lying like dead starfish on the carpeted floor.

Jisung and Chenle shared a couch— the younger's upper body on top of the struggling older's, his long legs hanging over the arm rest, but Chenle is too worn out to push him away.

Mark is just simply lying on the couch, arm over his eyes, as his legs are casually placed on top of Donghyuck's lap, who's seated at the other end, feeling his heart beat at an unexplainable speed.

Running footsteps from the staircase echoed the place, Renjun happily descending as he hopped off the last step and ran to the others with a wide smile and arms raised upwards.

"Guys! Jin Finance was finally pronounced guilty! We did it!" He then halted and brought his arms down, his smile turning into a pout, seeing them all look like they were on the brink of death.

"Or not," he mumbled and huffed, walked over to the boys on the floor, and lightly kicked Jeno's torso.

"Jeno, sleep in your room."


Renjun's brows furrowed, and his eyes flickered at Jaemin, who's already snoring.

The two youngest and Mark are also sound asleep.

"Those men did beat you up, huh?" he mumbled.


"Oh heavens! Hyuck!" Renjun exclaimed, placing a hand on his chest.

The brown-haired man just chuckled, his tongue playing with the lip ring.

"Did you ask her name?" Renjun asked, and the boy looked up to him.

"Na Yeoreum" he answered while showing his wrist, which already has her name engraved.

The older man raised his brow, and his brain cells momentarily worked as he mumbled the said name.

"Na Yeoreum, where did I hear that name again?"

Donghyuck sighed and pushed Mark's heavy legs away, making the older man lightly whine but then continue sleeping.

"I'm off"

"Wait! What about them!"

"I don't know, Jun. Either you let them or carry them, your choice." He then shrugged and walked away, hands stuffed in his pockets.

Just then, a figure showed up beside him and took the stairs up with him.

"I thought you loved them so much.", Donghyuck commented

"I do, but it's not my fault that they slept there."

Donghyuck broke out in a chuckle, making the other smile.


"Following the decisions of the court, Jin Finance Corporation officially shut down. Their active and old employees are still in question. It was confirmed that the company really did run a drug business, and most of their funds were taken from several elite people that they held hostage. As for the evidence, the officials are still tracking whoever sent these statements. We will be covering the following statements about this news. This is Seoul Flash. Good day."

Renjun smirked, leant on the backrest like a king, and shared a high-five with Chenle.

"Renjunie did that." Jaemin commented and showed a thumbs up.

"I'm still not over for the fact that you left us sleeping on the floor." Jeno grumbled, making the older man laugh.

"You expect me to carry a heavy dumbo like you?"

"Jisung is heavier! That kid, my body is getting sore, gosh." Chenle nagged and crossed his arms.

"Where's my baby, though?" Jaemin asked with chips in his mouth after hearing Jisung's name.

"His room, sleeping." Mark casually answered while tapping away on his phone.

"What! It's already 11 AM!"

"Cut it out, Jaem, you're so loud." Renjun groaned and plopped his head on Chenle's lap, making the younger shriek at the sudden weight.

"That's it, I'm waking him up!" Jaemin stood up and stomped away.

"That's his mother's instinct kicking in." Mark snorted.

Just as Jaemin's heavy footsteps echoed from the staircase, a gate warning perked up in Renjun's earpiece, causing him to jolt up and run to the first security room, which is located in the basement of the first floor.

A familiar figure that's been shown on the screen striding towards the main door made his eyes widen, flinging the swivel chair aside when he stood up and banged the door open.


Before he can complete his sentence, the door is already flung open with a loud bang.

The other three boys left their own businesses and stormed beside Renjun, who's frozen and standing meters from the doorway.

Chenle's breath hitched, Jeno's eyes widened, and Mark smirked.

"Well, hello there, captain."

"Is there a problem, Jaehyun?" Jeno asked, and the said boy just glared at them, his soul-piercing gazes digging through their existence.

"Where's Donghyuck?" His deep, dominant voice sent shivers down their spines, his stance firm, hands stuffed in the pockets of his leather pants, stern face oozing with full intimidation.

"He's his room." Mark answered and stepped away, dragging the other boys with him.

Jaehyun just nodded, big strides passing them.

The youngers finally exhaled the air that they had quite held on to, making Mark chuckle. "Why are you so scared?"

"Are you stupid? He's Jung Jaehyun, the first leader of Dream!"

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