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"Lee fucking Donghyuck, stop this instant!" Mark yelled and gripped the younger's hand, halting his tracks.

"What now!" but he was strongly punched, making him stumble back.

"Wow, thanks, I deserve that," he scoffed, wiping the blood flowing from his busted lower lip. "You do know that Yeoreum can feel this too, right?"

"Oh fuck," Mark mumbled. "My hand slipped. Says they really want to touch your face."

Donghyuck deeply chuckled.

"Don't do this, Hyuck."


"She needs you, and I know you need her too."

"I don't need anyone."

"Anyone but her. Let me remind you that you die 5 days without her."

He clicked his tongue and turned back.

"Don't ever turn your back when I'm talking, Lee Donghyuck. You do know that I hate it."

Donghyuck once again turned on his heel, boring glares through his soul.

"Let her in, Hyuck."

"She was held up when I did that."

"You can protect her."

"I can't"

"For fucks sake," he stopped and groaned out loud, composing himself as he took a deep breath, "go to her."


"Or else I'll call Jaehyun."

Donghyuck growled and walked away, not caring about anything anymore.

Mark was left in disbelief, both worried and angry for the younger.

"I don't know anymore, ugh" he continuously messes with his hair.

That boy is really stressing everyone up.


That situation continued for a month.

The soulmates are just seeing each other every 4-5 days, mostly on the fifth day, when they have the least percentage to live with.

Yeoreum continued school, only to be pushed through extra classes that she missed and also the piled-up tasks of being awfully absent for the next few days.

Jaemin is literally glued to her, except in school and when he needs his soulmate close.

But being with both Yeoreum and Aeri isn't hard; the soulmates literally adopted the younger, like Aeri personally bore her.

"Eat up, baabbyyy~" Jaemin cooed while raising a spoon full of rice and meat.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now