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"Glide and turn."

The ballerinas gracefully followed the steps and carefully observed the remaining ones, all engraved on their minds.

"Mirror mirror on the wall.. who's the baddest of them all~" Yeji rhythmically whispered on the short-haired as she glided behind her.

Yeoreum rolled her eyes and got on her toes, balancing herself as she skillfully turned like a very normal ballerina thing to do.

"Na, you take the center." head mentor Jinri instructed, and the said girl immediately got the position.

The first routine lasted for 5 minutes and was repeated three to five times until the mentor was satisfied enough.

"Alright ladies, you're making me proud enough. This is the first show we got since.. you know.. that let's continue to be fit and see each other again on Thursday. Remember the schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. You're dismissed."


The girls scurried over to their own ways, some in the changing room and some just taking a break on the floor, like the most comfortable bed to lay down.

"Welcome to my wicked world~" Yeji giggled and crawled to her best friend, as seductive as she could do.

"I'm not gay enough to fall for your whatever flirtshits you're doing."

The brunette pouted and slumped in front of her.

"I'm r–"

"rotten to the core, okay! I'm also tired and dead to the core!"

Yeji was startled; her eyes widened in a fraction as she saw how Yeoreum had fumed in anger for the past few seconds.


"Yeah, I fell into his wicked world. How do you like that?" she hissed and stood up, carrying her duffle bag to the changing room.

Yeoreum sighed as she dropped the bag to the floor, messing with her hair while whining continuously.

Gosh, how she missed the boy so much.

How she wants to at least talk to him, even in telepathy if they can't meet personally.

How she wants to at least call him over, even in just an hour, maybe 30 minutes, or even 15.

She missed those chocolate orbs sparkling when he saw her.

She missed those warm touches and warm smiles that've been completing her day.

Those times when he calls her just because he's bored or he just wants to.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now