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The dancers, who hadn't felt a single sense of trouble, positioned themselves, waiting for the music to start.

They owned the opening performance, something that should be done extra carefully and perfectly, as it's the first thing the audience will be seeing.

"Please welcome Seoul's very own ballet pride! The ballerinas from Seoul Ballet High!"

The lights darkened on cue, and claps filled the hall as the curtains slowly opened.

As the introductory instrumental of Swan Lake began, the spot lights slowly glided through the stage, following the main ballerinas on the specific timestamp.

"Ready" Donghyuck mumbled on his earpiece, earning responses from the others.

[Hey, the ballerinas are fucking sexy.]

[The fuck Jisung]

[The fuck you too, Chenle.]

Donghyuck groaned as he brushed his hair up in annoyance, wanting to shoot the two youngest himself.

"Hold it, Hyuck." Mark said while laughing, finding the two amusing instead.

Who knows that those two are literally the inseparable duo but still act like Tom and Jerry most of the time? Still, they love each other but are too disgusted to agree.

"Uhh Hyuck?"

"What!" the said boy scowled, all irritated and impatient.

"Your tattoo.."

Following the older man's point, he glanced down at his glowing wrist, and his furrowed brows knitted more.

"What the fuckitty fuck is fucking happening?"

"She's near, Hyuck." Mark said, eyeing the boy in worry. "What if she's inside?"

Donghyuck scoffed and clicked the gun's safety.

"Then it's her fault."

"She's innocent, Hyuck! Fuck, she sure doesn't know that this place will be bombed down."

"Then do the honors, Mark." he spat, and the older man just sighed in distress.

"She's your fucking soulmate, Hyuck."

"I don't care!"

"If she dies, you'll die!"

"Then be it! And stop calling me Hyuck; I'm Haechan!"

Mark groaned and messed his hair, not believing what the younger man just said.

"Um, dudes, are you just going to fight?"

"Shut the fuck up, Jaemin."

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now