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"Hyuck! Whatever you do, don't let go! "Yeoreum yelled as she held the boy's hand with her remaining strength.

Donghyuck groaned, blood flowing out of the long, deep cut on his upper back.

Tears eventually glided on his cheeks, hearing her pleads and cries as she too was in great pain.



"I can't hold on anymore."

"No, no, no, Hyuck! Donghyuck, please."

"You're hurting too, baby."

"I can manage!"

"I-AH!" he yelled, and his hand slipped off her hold.


"Hyuck!" she jolted up, tears continuously flowing as the loud beating of her heart filled her chest.

Yeoreum harshly wiped it away, and her eyes landed on the figure beside her.

Her eyes widened in a fraction, and she leaned in, frantically checking out his body.

As his chest rose and fell, she sighed in relief—he's alive.

Yeoreum wandered over his peaceful state; his honey-dipped skin, which she adored so much, glowed brighter. His red plump lips parted, and his brown hair grew longer than usual.

"Hyuck," she mumbled, bringing a hand up to his cheek, thumbs brushing on his warm skin.

"You're okay." she choked back her tears, the nightmare flashing through her mind but continuously shrugging it off, reminding herself that it's just a dream—a very bad one.

Yeoreum wiggled back to the sheets, snuggling closer to his chest to provide more warmth to herself.

The scent of his newly bought vanilla perfume lingered on her nose.

"Wake up, Hyuck." she whispers, but then suddenly remembered his piercing words

They were not on good terms.

Donghyuck is just using her to heal.

He might probably run off when he wakes up.

Still she stayed, one arm sprawled on his waist while the other intertwined his hand.

Another hour passed.

Donghyuck lowly groaned, his voice raspy, as he forcefully shut his eyes closer before slowly fluttering open.

He was greeted with the usual familiar glow of stars and a small smile engraved on his lips.

"I'm alive" he whispered.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now