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The siblings awkwardly sat across from each other that night, leaving a scar on their hearts, not knowing what to say or how to start.

It was Yoonoh who set up the meeting but left them right after they reached the place.

They're in Treasure Café, settled on the leftmost corner, away from the buzzing noises and busy feet.

Jaemin silently sips on his coffee, while Yeoreum shoves another piece of chocolate cake in her mouth.

It was still early, 8 AM—at least for the two, since they're both sick in the mornings.

Jaemin took a deep sigh, sparing a glance at his younger sister, "Yeoreum."

The said girl instantly looked back and melted when he smiled softly.

"I always wanted to have a sister."

That made Yeoreum smile, reaching for his cold hand, "I too want a brother. I mean, Yoonoh's like one."

"Breathe, Reum"

They both chuckled, but she frowned after a second.

"Hyuck's he's not replying to me."

"Maybe he's still asleep?"

"Since last night! I can't reach him."

Jaemin bit his lip, worrying at her sad features. "Don't worry. Do you want to visit him later?"

"Can I?"

"Ohh..I think I'm going to ask Jaehyun-hyung first."

Yeoreum nodded and sighed. "I still can't believe that he's a mafia man."

Jaemin chuckled. "Want to hear their history?"

She eagerly nodded, and he chuckled once again at her sparkly goggle eyes. She really does have a side that's the same as his.

"Dream is just another unit, a hierarchical branch of NCT."


"Yup, that's what it's called. NCT..hmm.. the first members were Hansol, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Ten, Doyoung, and Jaehyun. They were established in 2013."

"That long!?"

"Yup, then in 2016, a unit 127 was confirmed. Hansol-hyung retired, but was greeted with new members: Taeil, Winwin, Jungwoo, Lucas, Mark, and yes, Haechan." Jaemin saw how her lips twitched at the sound of his name.

"The NCT is feared, not just because of their big numbers but because of their skills. They're fast, merciless, and clean fighters. Just by suddenly, soulmates appeared, and they broke out one by one."

"You think that's the end? Nope. That's how the Dream was established." he chuckled.

"Leader Taeyong appointed Jaehyun to be the leader of Dream. Soon, Mark and Haechan joined and were able to recruit Renjun and Chenle, who're very fucked up youngsters from China. And then they met Jeno and Jisung at the police station. And then Jaehyun-hyung let me try the gang."

"It was horrifying, to be exact. We were just a bunch of kids with an average age of 18. We were reckless and stupid, fighting each other here and there, and making Jaehyun grow wrinkles."

They both laughed at the statement.

"But then Jaehyun quit, appointing Haechan for the reason that I shouldn't be the one to tell you."

That made Yeoreum's smile fade.

"What do you mean?"

Jaemin flashed a worried smile. "He was trapped in darkness for a long time. The gang is the reason why he keeps on living."

He then reached for her hand and squeezed it. "Be with him, yeah? Be the brightest sun of his black moon."


"What the fuck is this?" Yoonoh mumbled as he scanned the black thing that's been clipped to one of Yeoreum's shirts.

Squinting his eyes, he began observing it intently, raising his head at the ray of light, and his eyes widened.

It's an audio recorder.

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now