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"All set" Donghyuck said, placing the last gun in his holster.

"Must you really do this?"

He smiled down at the girl and placed a long, loving kiss on her forehead.

"I'll come back, I promise."

"Alive, Donghyuck," she added, "Come back alive."

"I will"

"NCT, all set?" Taeyong called, and the boys gathered around him.

"Jeno will stay here as planned, and of course, Renjun, we need him on the line." he started.

"The sniper duo will take the neighboring building. Snipe as many down as you can. Encircle Jaem as possible. He's still the sole target."

"Can't he stay here too?" Yeoreum joined in, earning all the looks. "He's the target."

The said boy flashed a reassuring smile. "I will be fine, Reum. I have the best fighters with me."


"We will ensure his safety," Donghyuck cuts in. "I will."

She slowly nodded and was engulfed in a side hug right after.

"They can do this. Trust them." Aeri whispered.

"Alright! This is one do-or-die battle, boys. Don't leave a single soul alive. The losing team will be wiped out of history. That's the rule."

They all nodded.

"I can't believe I'm going to carry the name NCT." Jisung giggled in excitement

"Jeno, you know what to do here."

"I swear my life on it."

"Good," Taeyong smirked. "Let's blow this ice cream stand."


[Easy there..]

The first three—Taeyong, Johnny, and Yuta—successfully passed from tree to tree, hiding in the trunks.

Mark, Donghyuck, and Jaemin took the other route to the right base, the paths familiar as they all studied the map.

Once in, the remaining ones, Lucas and Yoonoh, settled in the left base.

Chenle and Jisung are already in the building, aiming steady, just waiting for the final order.

[Don't open the door, Mark! It has alarms.] Renjun warned.

The frantic typing then filled the other line, and a beep was heard right after.

"Well, that was easy and clear."

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now