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Both Yeoreum and Jaemin entered the Dream house, receiving concerned looks from the three boys in the living room.

Jaemin raised a brow, eyes on Jisung, but the younger just sighed and looked at Jeno, who's wearing the same uneasy look.

"Look, just tell me what happened." he breathed out and stayed beside the girl who's still standing behind the sofa.

"Jaehyun-hyung is here," Chenle said, and her face lit up. "But he has some serious matters with Renjun-hyung and Mark-hyung, so I think you can't go to him right now."

That made her frown.

Jaemin noticed how fast her expression changed, so instead he flashed the sweetest smile he could give while ruffling her hair.

"Why won't you go to Haechan? You came here for hi-"


The siblings snapped at Jeno, and the red-haired man was also shocked by his actions, but there was a reason.


"Yeoreum can't go to him too." he said.

"But why?" she softly asked.

"Just.. not now." Jeno concluded and sat back on the couch.

It made her brows knit, looking up at her brother, who just shrugged.

"I'm going"

"NO! YEO—Jaemin, stop her!"

"She needs him, Jeno!"

"But Haechan doesn't!"

That made Jaemin's anger slowly build.

"Jaehyun-hyung found a clip-on recorder on one of her shirts while he decided to do laundry. It was confirmed that it had been stored since last week, and it's aligned with Woojin's mission." he explained.

"Haechan-hyung isn't in the right mood. He kind of snapped." Jisung added in a low voice.


"Hyuck?" she called behind the closed doors, patiently waiting for an answer.

"Are you in there?" she repeated after a minute of silence.

"Hyuck!" the door suddenly opened, and she lightly gasped at his appearance.

His left brow has a fresh cut. long hair was messy, a white shirt was drenched on the chest area, and he's only wearing baggy shorts, barefooted.

"Hey.. are you–"

"Fuck off"

Her eyes widened in a fraction, and memories raked on their past interaction—dark, stoic eyes and deep voice words spitting venom.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now