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Donghyuck let out a distressed sigh, ignoring the verbal teasing and brows wiggling, making himself free in the comforts of his room.

He threw his clothes in the laundry basket that's been piled up like a tower, reminding himself to be productive for once.

Slipping in baggy shorts, the garter loose on his waist, he jumped on the bed, not caring how his hair was messy and tangled or how the cold air from the AC was hitting his topless, honey-tanned skin.

The moment he closed his eyes, the faint trembling voices of the girl ran through his mind like a broken replay. How her eyes flashed, teary and scared.

Donghyuck once again snapped his eyes open, feeling his heart clench at the sight as he sat up, feeling suffocated.

He wanted to hold her.

Hug her

Run his fingers through her sleek, short hair, tell her that she's safe and all, but he can't

"Ow fuck" he clutched his head, the strike of pain making him groan.


There it is again. Her voice

[Are you there?]

He chewed on his lower lip, wanting to throw fists as he controlled his emotions.

[I just want to thank you.]

He let out a sharp exhale, leaning on the head board. What's happening to me?

[Are you troubled? I can feel you're stressed out.]

This soulmate bond. He hates it when it gets stronger and how they can feel each other's emotions.

They can feel the single prick of thorns.

They can hear their thoughts.

He hates it.

But why does his heart melt every time he hears her voice?

"Argh, she's trouble, Haechan." he groaned, ruffling his hair.

[I just wanted to make sure you're okay.]

Everything's fine

There he replied, where the weight on his chest slowly lessened.

Yet he still has a part of him that wants this bond to disappear.

She's not trouble, because he is the trouble.

If he can make her hate him, will it change everything?



He can hear her sigh, those troubled breaths and distressed emotions making him weak.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now