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The scorching heat from the blazing sun is almost sipping through her umbrella, and the wind is indescribably hotter than warm.

It feels like you're in the depths of hell, your skin is burning, and all you can see is red.


Yeoreum's eyes widened, panic kicking in her system as she felt a warm drop of liquid flowing through her skin, passing on her upper lip.

She gagged at the sudden metallic taste and wanted to throw up, but the thought of having a nose bleed in the middle of the busy streets of Seoul made her faint.

Frantically pulling out her handkerchief and placing it on her nose, she began to maneuver through the lanes, her umbrella blocking the sight of her struggles. Her eyes could only see the busy feet.

She only wanted to buy groceries because they already lacked some, wanting to cook for herself and maybe make Yoonoh proud for not burning the kitchen.

As she stride to the nearest clinic, a sudden, strong bump yanked the hood of the umbrella away, the force making her stumble as she landed on her buttocks.

Yeoreum hissed at the contact, her discarded umbrella flew behind, and her bloodied handkerchief dropped on the dusty street walk.

"Watch where you're going."

Confused and hurt, Yeoreum looked up, eyes squinting to the owner of the male voice as his face was blinded by the sunlight.

The said boy had his eyes widened and quickly crouched in front of her, and did the honors to wipe the blood off her nose using his own handkerchief.

"You got a nose bleed! Oh my gosh, let me help you.. here.. I'm sorry." He carefully pulled her up and picked up the umbrella, raising it to cover them both as he led her to the clinic.

Good thing it's just steps away. The boy casually slid the door open and walked in.

"Hey, we should have an appointment."

"Shh watch"

And on cue, a tall female walked out of one of the cubicles, wearing a professional outfit and a doctor's gown folded on her arm.


"Hey, Harae, my friend got a nose bleed. Would you mind?"

"Oh dear" the doctor shrieked, and she pulled the younger Chenle off, leading her inside her own office.

"Take a seat."

Silently, Yeoreum sat on the chair in front of the desk, reading the name on the silver name plate.

Dr. Yoon Harae

"Um, doctor, I don't have any appointments."

Harae just laughed, walking back to her with tissues, medicine, and a glass of water.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now