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"Hi, Yeoreum!"

The said girl sighed, looking over her shoulder just to see the specific senior standing behind her.

"Hey, it's rude to ignore"

"What do you want, Chanwoo?" she cuts in, facing him with a fake smile.

The senior threw a smirk and stepped forward, catching the younger off-guard.

The action continued until Yeoreum was pressed on the lockers, his breath hitching as they shared intense eye contact.

"Yeoreum-ah, you little trouble," Chanwoo mumbled.


A mocking smile played on his lips, bringing a hand up to her cheek as he caressed her fair skin.

"What should I do to you?"

"Go away!"

He let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head, but he stepped back right after.

Yeoreum took a deep sigh, fixing her hair. She doesn't want to meet his eye.

"Na Yeoreum"

She began ignoring the older man and pushed him further so she could get out of his trap.

Chanwoo grinned, her eyes trailing in her nervous state.

"An easy target"


"I didn't even know what I did." she breathed out, and her thumb caressed the back of the boy's hand that's been intertwined with her for awhile now.

"What's his name?"

"Chanwoo, Jung Chanwoo"

Donghyuck froze for a second, mind-raking at the familiar name.

"Can you describe him?"

"Yeah, umm, he's taller, of course. He has a big build, brown round eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips. His cheeks are a little bit puffy, and he has dimples."

The boy clenched his jaw for a second, feeling suffocated at the information he got.

"Does he annoy you often?"

"Actually, yes. He's been showing up for years now and has begun annoying me, like asking to date him, but today's different. He said I'm a little trouble."

She worriedly looked at her soulmate with a pout and asked, "What does he mean?"

"I don't know Reum," he breathed out and glanced at the knife wounds he once had. "It's gone."

"Huh? Oh, it is," she adoringly smiled, but then frowned a second after. "Is it possible to not get hurt, Hyuck? I've been healing you quite often now."

Donghyuck cleared his throat and pulled down the curled sleeves of his sweatshirt back to his wrist, still not letting go of her hand.

"It's normal if you're in a gang."

"But what if I'm not here? You could've died silly; you lost a great deal of blood earlier."

The boy just threw a reassuring smile and shook his head. "But you're here, right? And I won't die. If I do, you die too. I don't want that."

Her lips formed into a pout, and she glanced at the wall clock situated in her room.

"It's 9, Hyuck. Are you hungry?"


"What? But y'all fought for hours, and you got wounded, and you're not hungry?"

"Nope" he answered, and he pulled her to the bed, laying down as he pulled her closer to his embrace.

"But I'm hungry, Hyuck. You literally barged in when we're eating. Note, bloodied." she said, trying to squirm out of his hold.

"Let's stay like this for awhile, hm?" he mumbled weakly, enough to catch the girl's attention and stop squirming.

She felt the boy's breathing calm down; his hold loosened, but she didn't have the heart to move out.

Instead, she snuggled closer to his chest, inhaling his usual strong perfume.

She felt the hard thumping of his chest, lulling her to sleep until she finally dozed off in his warm embrace.

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