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A bullet grazed his arm, ripping the sleeves of his gray sweatshirt.

He let out a deep chuckle, feeling the droplets of blood escaping from the wound.

"You really want to play, huh?"

His hoarse, deep voice sent minimal goosebumps to the two men, sharing a look like they're talking with their eyes.

The boy tilted his head from left to right, feeling his bones cracking as he poked a tongue on the side of his mouth, all warmed up.

"I told you to stop messing with me, right?"

He then secretly pulled out a swiss knife from his back pocket, his dark, stoic eyes staring back at their trembling ones.

With one swift move, the knife perfectly dug into the man's chest who shot him.

When the other was stunned, he took this chance to advance to him and landed a strong punch on his jaw, continuously beating him until he was tackled on the ground, face-blended.

The 20-year-old boy stopped, pulling out his knife from the first man, and stood up, feeling the intoxicating effect of drugs running through his insides.

Soon after, a set of running footsteps were heard, coming to a halt when they reached the boy, who remained expressionless.

"Haechan! You knocked them out, man. What did they do?"

The said boy just ran his fingers to his curly hair, getting longer to his nape. It was brown with green highlights on the ends. It seemed messy and hot, but he was too lazy to cut it off.

"Just take care of the bodies, Jeno." he replied, wiping the blood off his knife by the top and sliding it again into his pockets.

The red-haired boy named Jeno just sighed, feeling so exhausted from his previous trainings before Haechan called them.

"Help me out, Jaem?"

The blonde just hissed, rolling his eyes as he crouched down on the other man as he effortlessly swung the body to his shoulders.

Haechan just stood there, back leaning against the wall as he pulled out a cigarette, lighting its tip, and popped it in his mouth.

The minty feeling on his throat surprisingly calmed him down, stuffing a hand in his pocket while the other held the stick.

Minutes after the two boys got back, heading straight as they passed Haechan.

The brown-haired man just smirked at their ignorance but silently trailed behind them, not in a mood to spit some shit on their faces.


"You look high," were the first words he heard the moment he came past the living room.

The younger blonde raised a brow when the older woman just shrugged and took the staircase up.

"In the club, got into a fight and surprise~" Jeno answered on his behalf.

"All he's gotten to is trouble." Jaemin nagged, plopped on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

"He's Haechan, what's new?" the pink-haired named Renjun said, his eyes darting to his switch as he aggressively pushed the buttons while his tongue poking out between his lips in all focus.

"You won't get away with me, Chenle." he mumbled, and as his character jumped and slashed another character dead, he hopped up and jumped on the sofa, happily shouting while his arms shot up in the air, not caring if Jaemin was trying his hardest to chill and sleep.

"FUCK YOU!" they heard a high-pitched shout echoing from upstairs, specifically from Chenle's room.

They all chuckled, and Jaemin harshly pulled Renjun down by the hem of his shirt, spoiling his 'celebratory dance'.

While the four boys started arguing in the living room and Chenle was sulking in his own room Lee Donghyuck, famously known as Haechan, is just on his bed, lying on his back while his left arm shielded his eyes from the minimal light of his space.

Right when he was about to close his eyes and sleep, the doorknob clicked and the door opened, allowing the light from the hallways to enter his darkened room.

The orange-haired boy had his nose scrunched, his eyes squinting as he groaned at his terrible eyesight, and just flicked the lights on.

Donghyuck groaned, covering his eyes with a pillow, as he subtly hated the brightness in this late evening.

"Wear a shirt, will you?" the orange-haired man said while looking at the younger man, shamelessly topless, in baggy grey sweatpants that hung low on his waist, the garter of his boxers peeking out.

He threw the pillow to the older man, who was swiftly caught.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "What now?"

"Did you clean your cut?"

"Yes, Mark." he answered, uninterested.

"So, are you sleeping?"

"Only if you get the fuck out."

Mark just chuckled and threw the pillow back on his face, earning a glare.

"By the way, Hyuck."

The younger man just hummed in response.

"Don't you want to find your soulmate yet?"

The mention of his soulmate made him pause, gulping down as he raised his right arm, the black sun tattoo still intact and visible on his wrist. He sighed.

"I don't know, and I don't care."

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now