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"Get donghyuck in here." Yoonoh coldly said and dropped the call, taking a heavy sigh.

Her whimpers and low groans filled his ears, staring in pity and anger.

He knows this is going to happen, yet he still hasn't done anything to wake her soulmate's senses up.

Yeoreum is in great pain, but Donghyuck felt more.

The piled-up consequences of ignoring the soulmate bond made it harder for him to function; even breathing is painful.

Both Jaemin and Mark are now taking the unconscious boy to the apartment, zooming between the dead street at 1 AM as the street lights were the only source of light under the dark, cold sky.

The clouds are madly grumbling, like they reflect the bond between the two as the slow droplets of rain pour out.

"Faster, Mark! Fuck, I don't even know if Yeoreum passed out too!" Jaemin said in panic.

"Shut up for a minute, Jaemin! Gosh! For all we know, I'm not following the speed rules, and I still want to live!" he replied, composing himself to focus once again.

Jaemin continuously cussed under his breath, sparing a look at the pale boy lying on his lap.

He wanted to punch him, beat him—well, he really does want to stab him—everything just to rip him out of the toxic words infiltrating his mind.

For what seemed to be an eternity, they reached the apartment building. Jaemin took the honors of carrying their leader since he appeared stronger than Mark.

Barging into the unit, they literally flashed to her room and dropped Donghyuck beside her, sweating, panting, and all.

Mark tucked the boy under the covers, not forgetting to clasp their hands—at least one of the tricks he knew to heal easier. Physical contact is a must.

"Finally" Jaemin breathed out and plopped on the sofa, arms sprawled and head on the armrest, looking like he was on the brink of death.

Mark headed to the kitchen, looking for cold water to cool his heated system down, which was filled with nervousness awhile ago.

Donghyuck's face is horrifying for him. He looked very pale, like he had no blood. purple lips and ice-cold skin—he really looked dead.

The boys snapped when they heard a door closing, seeing Yoonoh in a dead blank face.

He must've been more scared, Mark thought.

"Did the tattoo glow?" Jaemin asked, almost whispering.

Yoonoh sighed and slowly shook his head.

Jaemin froze on the spot, and Mark almost dropped the glass cup. They were more nervous as hell.

"Let's just wait until tomorrow. You boys can't go back to the house now. It's very, very late. Come, I'll show you my room."

The two silently followed the older man, not wanting to trigger him because he was breaking down enough.

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now