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Donghyuck was laid silently on the comforts of his bed, his eyes darting on the empty black ceiling as his mind was clouded with the thoughts of her.

The her that he tried not to run into.

The her that he tried to ignore for the past two years.

The her that he completely buried in the deepest part of his brain, but his shitty tattoo just has to react every single damn time just to let him remember that he has someone who's tied to.

The boy groaned, ruffling his already messed-up, tangled hair in frustration as he threw his head back again into the pillow.

But just as he was about to close his eyes, his bedroom door harshly flung open with a loud bang.

Disoriented, he squinted his eyes and propped up on his elbows with furrowed brows.

"Lee Donghyuck"

The said boy jolted up fully, his mouth lightly parted in shock.

Jaehyun sighed, pressing the bridge of his nose. "Wear a shirt, will you?"

Donghyuck glanced down at his topless body, his long silver-chained necklace adoring his sun-kissed chest.

Smirking, he reached out for a random shirt that'd been discarded on the floor and slipped in.

"What brings you here, hyung?" he asked when his head popped out of the hole.

"Na Yeoreum"

With the sound of her name, he looked up to him with widened eyes.

"She's your soulmate, right?"

Sighing, he glanced at the name on his wrist and nodded.

"Why do you know her?"

"She's my damn cousin, Hyuck."

"Cousin? She's the Yeoreum who's—"

"Hey- oh"

The two snapped on the doorway, seeing Jaemin's head peeking through.

The blonde chuckled and waved at the older man with a beaming smile. "Greetings, cousin Jae."

Donghyuck gasped, earning their attention as he pointed at Jaemin.

"THAT'S IT! Yeo"

"Lee Donghyuck." Jaehyun cuts in and throws a glare, making the younger halt.

"Yeo what?"


"Okay?" Jaemin eyed him confusedly before speaking up for his purpose, "Oh yeah, lunch is ready. Are you eating here, hyung?"

UNTITLED UNIVERSE #2: TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now