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Seoul Tantiana University |

"See you again after 5 days, I guess" Yeoreum mumbled and slammed her locker door close.

But the loud thud didn't surprise her; rather, it's the head peeking out beside her.

"Shit heavens, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?"

The boy chuckled. The deep vibrations of his chest made her oddly warm. Nevertheless, she pushed him away, uncomfortable with the close proximity.

Yeoreum huffed air on her bangs, glaring at the person that she's familiar with.

"What do you want, Chanwoo?"

"Oops, that's oppa for you."

The girl groaned, throwing her head back in the process as she turned her back to him.

But before she could step away, Chanwoo held her wrist, getting a glimpse of the small tattoo and the gray cursive line.

"You met your soulmate?"

The sound of the word that she slowly grew to hate made her face him again.

Her glares raised his brow and crossed his arms.

"Let me guess... soulmate things?"

Yeoreum just clicked her tongue and turned back again, but this time, the boy harshly pulled her back and twisted her arm, having the full sight of the name engraved on her wrist.

A sly smirk played on his lips, eyeing the small girl who's now nagging.

"...and you're so"

"Shhh, yeah, you'll be late."

She once again groaned and raised her middle finger for a second before running away.

Chanwoo couldn't help but laugh, but the name made him stop and smile.

"Lee Donghyuck huh"


"He's so arrgghhh."

Both Naih and Yeji chuckled, eyeing the smallest girl that's walking between them.

Her nonstop blabbers and random angered noises amused them.

"Summer, you can be a rapper." Naih snorted.

"Funny, Naih. Also, who is he to reject me, huh? Also, that Jung fucking Chanwoo—wow, don't get me started, he's so"


The three girls turned back in chorus, seeing an unknown guy standing, hands stuffed in his ripped denim pockets.

Well, at least one of them knows him.

"What are you doing here?" Yeoreum grumbled, her brows creased.

Donghyuck raked fingers on his uncombed hair with a sigh—a hot sight for the two girls but annoying for the smaller one.

"Chenle asked me to pick you up."

"You could've said no."

"Well, he didn't really ask. He forced me."

"Well, tell Chenle—wait, how even the fuck did you know Chenle?"

Donghyuck's eyes widened in a fraction, whistling as he accidentally blew their cover.

"Ya Lee Donghyuck!"

"Omg, he's your soulmate!" the girls on each side exclaimed, making her groan.

Yeji chuckled, and Naih wiggled her brows teasingly.

"Hey, you can take our dear friend from here." Yeji said while pushing Yeoreum toward him.

"Yeah! Please do take her home safe!" the youngest of them added, and before she could say anything, they flashed away.

"Woah, really, are they even my friends?"

Donghyuck snorted and handed her a helmet.

Yeoreum looked up at him with furrowed brows, making him sigh.

"You're expecting me to drive a car? Well, no, princess, I'm not your stereotype Prince Charming, now put it on and let's fucking go."

Yeoreum mocked him off, making faces as she grumbled about how annoying her day had been.

"Hurry up!"

"Okay!" she hissed and hopped on the space behind him, gripping the back of his leather jacket.

"Do you want to fall off?"


"Look, if you die, I die." He then grabbed her hands and forcefully wrapped her arms around his waist.

Just then he kicked off the starters and zoomed out, making the girl welp and scream at how fast he goes.


"Fucking soulmate" she huffed, and just prayed for her life.

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