❤ Hell on Earth❤

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"Where the hell you been at" my foster mother screams as I try to hurry and reach the stairs to my room. I knew this conversation wasn't gonna go well the second I seen the empty liquor bottles, and the weed layed out on the table.

"I was at school, where you think I was at?" I said with a attitude as I turned back around to face her. I didn't know why she was being so nosy all of a sudden, it wasn't like we talked that much, I'm even convinced that she hates me.

" Lil girl you better watch how u talk to me in my house" she says as she comes and stands in front of me, blowing smoke in my face. "I dont even know why I took yo poor ass in..you ungrateful and you swear u cute" she says looking me up and down making me step back a lil.

I knew I was suppose to respect my elders and all but this bitch had me all kinds of fucked up..I wasn't gonna let her talk to me any kinda way especially since she wasn't my mother.

"What do you want from me, I got things to do" pushing pass her walking up the first two steps. I knew I shouldn't have done that because I know that always pissed her off but today was just not my day and I just wanted to lay down.

Before I could even make it to the third step, I felt my pony tail being pulled from behind me causing me to lose my balance and hitting the floor. Before I could say anything all I felt was punches coming my way and me being slapped repeatly. I wanted to cry so bad but I knew that would only make her continue so I went to my happy place whenever days like this happen.

I suddenly felt the hits coming to a end but I knew this was far from over. Looking up I seen my foster mother light another cigarette before walking back over to me where I was on the floor holding my face. She knelt down and said " You must've forgot who you was talkin to huh? I'm not them girls on this block or from yo school. You think you tough JB but you not...cuz guess what if u was I wouldn't have just whooped yo ass a few minutes ago. When I say be home at a certain time thats what I expect from you. Do you understand me" she says as she grabs my jaws squeezing lightly.

I look up into her eyes and just nod. This is my hell on earth.

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now