Chapter 4

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       Cedric grew tense. Eris stowed their dagger out of sight in a flash as quickly as they could. Ella and Ara' Sei stood up.

       "What is it?" Ara' Sei asked firmly.

       "We have several questions to ask you. And we also need you to come with us." the leading armored figure explained.

       "I'm guessing this is about what we fought." Cedric stated.

       "Yes, we've heard the story from the other witnesses, but now we need to hear it from you. Follow us."

       "Not to worry, we will." Ara' Sei stated. Confidently, she began to follow the guards. The other three followed, Eris followed furthest behind. They put their hood back over their head. Right before the group left the tavern, they muttered a few verses and twirled their fingers. Their form began to shift, taking on that of a slightly shorter human woman.

       The guards led the group through the sleepy town. There was an occasional whisper as they all passed by. Cresselbrooke was situated on the shore of Cressel Bay, and the air smelled of salt and sea. The guards led the group into a small building. The inside of the room smelled vaguely stagnant. There was one high window situated in the room. Two other guards were already in the chamber.

       "Place all of your weapons on that table over there." One of the guards demanded. Ella placed her greatsword on the desk. Cedric placed a wooden stick that resembled a wand. Eris placed their two daggers on the desk. Cedric gave Eris a confused look. Eris quickly placed their finger over their mouth. Cedric merely nodded.

       "Hands where I can see them!" The guard shouted at Eris. Eris placed their hands above their head.

       "Sorry," they said.

       "Now, we want this to be quick, but we do have a few questions. What prompted all of you to fight these creatures?"

       "We heard screaming, we had to investigate." Ara' Sei answered confidently.

       "Describe the foes you faced."

       "They were dark figures. Almost as if they were made of darkness. They had dark pit eyes and vaguely distinguishable facial features." Ara' Sei explained. She hoped the others didn't hear her voice shaking.

       "Now, we have one final question. Do all of you have combative capabilities?"

       "Yes." Ara' Sei answered.

       "You bet!" Ella shouted.

       "Yes." Cedric answered. Eris gave their reply simply by nodding.

       "Very well. Your story aligns well with what we heard from other witnesses. Additionally, we need your help." The guard explained.

       "I'd be happy to help, I'm not entirely sure about my companions. However I will let them speak for themselves." Ara' Sei replied.

       "I can help, if you pay me." Ella answered.

       "I'll help." Cedric said.

       "Very well, I will aid as well." Eris said.

       "We have had paranormal attacks in Cresselbrooke. This is the second one. The first one happened five days ago. We found a girl killed near the graveyard and a zombie that had killed her. If you can find the source, and stop it there, we will pay your group 250 gold pieces."

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