Chapter 37

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       The next day was another slow day. The town guard was on high alert, and on every street there were guards patrolling. Eris went to go get Cedric a wig so he could walk around the city without fear of being arrested. Zerai, Ella, and Ara'Sei were all out on a walk.

       Cedric spent the day in self reflection at the inn. It was too dangerous for him to go to the woods, so he had to meditate here. He was far from the kind of nature he was used to, so it took him an hour and half before he entered the trance-like state he was used to.

       In his mind, he looked around him. He was on a rocky coastline, a familiar chill ran through the wind. The sound of the waves battering the rocks. The smell of pine sap and the cracking and rustling of the pines. Cedric turned around in the vision. The comforting sight of the pines awaited him. He stepped into the woods. The tangled fern undergrowth and moss awaited him. In spots where there was a gap in the trees white daisies dotted the ground. Cedric ran his hand through a bed of moss.

       Then, a cold uncertain feeling crept through him. He remembered this feeling too. He remembered meeting the other druids and seeing one of them missing. Then, a few weeks later, a second was missing. Then another, then another. He remembered that feeling that had begun to build inside him. He remembered his frantic journey through the woods Southward. He remembered the constant nights spent alone in the plains of southern Norda, being fearful of every shape on the horizon.

       In his vision, Cedric blinked, and his surroundings changed. He was in a clearing, the silhouettes of the pines all around him. Then, he saw it. Two glowing, sickly green eyes within the darkness. Their gaze bore into Cedric with ferocious intensity. Then, from all of the trees around him, the grass beneath his feet, and from the spark within his heart, Cedric heard a voice.

       "It searches, now for you." The voice warned. Then, the vision faded. Cedric was back in the inn where he had been the whole day. He could hear footsteps approaching. He tensed. The door opened. Cedric opened his hand, a flame ready.

       "Hey Cedric." Eris said, closing the door behind you.

       "Oh, hi Eris." Cedric replied, dismissing the flame.

       "Oh, sorry, did I scare you?" Eris asked.

       "Just startled me, it's weird knowing that they're probably looking for me." Cedric said.

       "Don't worry, I know what it feels like to run away from the law. I've done it plenty of times. Considering the fact you've got magic, you'll be fine." Eris said. Cedric smiled.

        "Thank you Eris, thank you." 

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