Chapter 16

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       One day went by after the group had slain the evil wizard. Ara' Sei had travelled all around the fishing village of Cresselbrooke. She knew that about two hundred miles southwest was Mount Cressel, an active volcano that had been in a continuous state of eruption for centuries. A similar distance Northwest lay the much larger town of Aaronsworth. She wasn't sure where she should go now, or whether the group would agree with any decision she made.

       But, as she looked out to see, she saw something else. Another sight rushed to her eyes. A cityscape against a darkening sky. The setting sun. The sea. A bird's eye view. Islands. Like all visions she'd had before, these hit her suddenly and without warning.

       "Miss, are you okay!?" Ara' Sei suddenly realized she had fallen to her knees.

       "Oh, yes, it's fine, I'm alright." Ara' Sei said. Then, she rushed back to the inn. Ella was in the tavern with a pint of ale. Ara' Sei sat down at her table.

       "Oh, Ara' Sei, you need something?"

       "Okay, I just... well, I uh. Had a vision."

       "Is something wrong, you've never been so frantic before." Ella said.

       "Okay, okay, yeah, it's just. Sometimes I have visions. I've been following these visions. It's what led me here. I just had another." Ara' Sei explained, quickly running out of breath.

       "Well, take a moment. What did you see?" Ella asked.

       "I saw dusk, sunset, and a city. There were islands." Ara' Sei answered. Ella tapped the side of her pint in thought.

       "Duskholme, you're seeing duskholme."

       "Of course! Duskholme is on an island! And it's across the sea! Oh my goodness, thank you Ella!" Ara' Sei shouted, getting strange stares from other people in the tavern.

       "You say you've had these in the past." Ella said. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "And you followed them here?" Ella asked. Ara' Sei nodded again.

       "So, when our little wait for our money's over, we need to get to Duskholme?" Ella asked.

       "Well, you don't have to come with me, but I am going."

       "I'm more than happy to go with you. I'm not sure about the others, but I am going with you. Your visions brought you to us, they have merit. Now, can we go up to the room, I have some other questions.

       "Do you want to bring Eris and Cedric?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Sure, I have questions for them as well." Ella replied. So, Ella went back to her room and Ara' Sei gathered the others from their room. It was time for them to discuss their coming plans. And it was time for them to answer some mutual questions. 

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