Chapter 167

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       The glowing purple light that illuminated all of them faded, and what replaced it was Ara' Sei using her own magic.

       "What did you do to them?" Ella asked, picking one of the bandits up by his shirt.

       "I used some powerful magic that I've had for some time. It's only useful for small threats like them though." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Ah, okay." Ella said, dropping the unconscious bandit on the ground in a heap.

       "What do we do with them?" Eris asked. Zerai shrugged his shoulders.

       "Should we leave them?" Cedric asked.

       "No, then they'll just wake up in a couple hours. Let's tie them up." Zerai said.

       "With what?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Hmm, I'm not sure." Zerai replied.

       "Uhh, I guess Ella could cut some of the grass and I could use that." Cedric said.

       "Okay!" Ella agreed enthusiastically. She walked over and picked up her blade before cutting up the grass in massive swathes. Then, she gave the grass to Cedric. Both Cedric and Eris tied all of the bandits' hand behind their backs and left them in the grass.

       "We should move to another hill." Eris suggested. Then, the group moved to a hill about a hundred feet away, before going back to bed.

       The rest of the night passed uneventfully. In the morning, the bandits on the other hill had begun to stir. One of them had even managed to stand up. But, they had no weapons, and they were right on the brink of consciousness.

       The group travelled off with no issue, leaving all of the bandits behind on the hilltop.

       The rest of the day went by uneventfully. The group followed the foothills of the Southern Walls, for Point Sathus was on the other side of them.

       "How much longer do you think we have to go?" Cedric asked.

       "Probably a bit under a week if I remember correctly." Eris responded.

       Unlike with the journey to Oarshear, the grass remained perfectly green and lush throughout the journey. The foothills leading up to the Southern walls were relatively tall, about the size of large sand dunes. It was a monotonous uphill downhill pattern.

       "Do you think there's a way to cut across the Southern Walls straight to Point Sathus?" Ella asked.

       "I wouldn't think so, they're the tallest mountains in the world. What's more, the mountain range is almost a hundred miles across. Even with all our magic, it would take at least twice as long as it's taking now." Eris explained.

       "Oh, okay." Ella said.

       And thus, the group continued taking the way around the massive mountains.

       Over the next few days, the group continued to follow the foothills. After about four days, they were travelling directly South with Ella guiding them in the right direction.

       Soon, they began to see farmland, as well as a few streams that ran from the Southern Walls. Small trees grew along the banks of ankle deep streams that were teeming with fish.

       "This... is starting to look familiar." Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh. That's right, you told me you lived North of Point Sathus." Zerai said.

       "I came through here on my way up to Oakholme when I originally left. It's so strange seeing it all again." Ara' Sei said.

      Soon, the landscape was dominated by farmland. Fields of wheat, barley, and even rice on occasion filled the entirety of the horizon. The hills of the grasslands up North had given way to perfect, flat farmland.

       The next day, the group came across a small hamlet with barely over twenty buildings. Most of them were tiny cabins. A stream ran through the edge of the hamlet, and the whole area was dotted with fruit trees.

       "Home." Ara' Sei whispered.  

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