Chapter 71

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       Ara' Sei, Ella, and Eris immediately became aware of their incoming friends and the two foes they had brought with them.

       Ella and Eris continued their attack on the frog-like demon. Eris gripped their dagger with both of their hands and pulled it through the demon's flesh, creating a deep, gaping scar from which black ichor poured. Ella brought her greatsword down in a mindless, powerful arc. The first strike slammed into the ice next to the demon, she tried again. This time, she tried to ram the tip through the demon's chest. The tip went in, but Ella felt that same, strange resistance that pushed against her blade.

       Zerai was clutched in Cedric's talons. He muttered a prayer, and his body began to glow with golden light. Some of his body's wounds began to mend as he quickly approached the ground.

       In his eagle form, Cedric landed on the ground. He dropped Zerai off before flying next to Ara' Sei and transforming back into his normal form. He fell to the ground, covered in blood, panting.

       The frog-like demon began to release a smoke-like gas from its body. Then, it began to counterattack its assailants. With its massive mouth, it bit Ella's shoulder. Then, it spun to face Eris. With its massive arms it swung at Eris. However, it was clumsy, and Eris was able to evade both of them.

       One of the vulture-like demons descended upon Zerai. The other flew towards an injured Cedric, but wasn't fast enough to get all the way there. The bit tore into Zerai's arm, and the talons raked across his back.

       "Oh goodness." Ara' Sei whispered, placing her hands on Cedric. Both of them began to glow as Ara' Sei channeled her healing power into Cedric.

       Eris felt the smoke begin to burn their throat and lungs. But, they steeled themselves against it with little effort. They grabbed their dagger, and continued to unzip the demon's back open. Black ichor continued to spill onto Eris as the creature's situation became dire.

       Following Eris' example, Ella easily resisted the smoke that the demon radiated. Instead, she took her blade and tried to ram it further into the demon. The tip pushed three inches deeper into the demon's flesh. Black ichor was now beginning to spill from its mouth, bathing Ella in gore.

       Zerai readied his blade and began to counterattack his opponent. The first strike grazed the demon's wing but the demon evaded the other strike.

       Cedric clenched his fist, and an emerald glow began to spread up his forearm. More of his wounds closed and he readied himself for the incoming assault.

       The frog-like demon that Eris and Ella faced howled. It spun around, now focusing all of its attention onto Eris. The demon landed a glancing bite onto Eris. The demon then swung one of its arms, which Eris ducked under. Then, the demon slammed its fist into Eris' face, sending them reeling back.

       The vulture-like demon that Zerai face pushed forward once again, its hideous face curled into a wicked smile. The mouth ripped a chunk of flesh from Zerai's arm, causing him to scream in pain. The last thing Zerai saw before he went under was talons clutched around his face. The demon slammed Zerai's head into the ground before looking over to Cedric.

       The second vulture-like demon was already upon Cedric. The creature opened its mouth and let out a scream that pierced through the two pour souls that were close to it. Both Ara' Sei and Cedric went limp.

       Ara' Sei's mind was whirling, Zerai was there, but she was too dizzy to even raise her hand, in too much pain to even focus.

       "Alright Ella, our friends need help already." Eris declared. Eris once again grabbed their trusty dagger. With one final push, Eris opened the demon's back, sending steamy black guts spilling out onto the ice. They grabbed their dagger and stepped back just in time to not get covered in gore.

       Ella turned around, and a sense of dread overcame her as she realized that everyone else in the group had been rendered helpless. 

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