Chapter 20

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       As Cedric and Eris woke up, Eris quickly told Cedric to prepare for trickery, stealth, and deception. Cedric nervously nodded his head before going into a long meditation, preparing his druidic power.

       Then, the two set out. They woke up early, early so that the other two didn't notice them. The sun had just risen, and most of the city wasn't yet awake. The two took the chance to duck into an alley. Cedric cast a spell that made it easier for Eris to remain hidden, after which he turned into a squirrel and hid in Eris' hood. Eris used the time to meld their form into that of an unassuming human man.

       Unfortunately, despite all of this, Eris wasn't doing a very job of looking inconspicuous. They often got strange looks from the few people who were already awake. It was a good thing they were disguised to look like someone else.

       Soon however, they were able to find a place which sold things of magical merit. By then though, more of the city was awake. Eris approached the shopkeeper.

       "Oh... hello there, I would like to purchase a magical weapon." Eris looked around frantically for a dagger that appeared magical. They were able to see one displayed on the far end of the stall.

       "Why of course! We have one right here!" The shopkeeper put one of the daggers atop the desk, but still held it in his hand. Almost silently, Eris muttered a short incantation and did a small motion with their hands. One of the other daggers began to dislodge itself from the wall, and float out of the shopkeeper's sight towards Eris.

       "How much?"

       "Three hundred, gold." The shopkeeper whispered. Eris took a bag from their illusory form and set it on the desk. There was a loud sound of clanging coins.

       "I would suggest you not open that when there's... now more people around." Eris said in their illusory form.

       "No, I need to make sure I have my money." The shopkeeper insisted. Then, Eris did another motion and muttered another incantation. The shopkeeper gasped.

       "You're trying to use magic on me!" The man grabbed for the dagger he had placed on the desk but it wasn't there. Eris ran as fast as they could away from the stall.

       "Cedric I need you to do some serious magic. Something that'll get me out of sight." Eris said desperately. In his squirrel form, Cedric crawled out of Eris' hood and leapt out, transforming back in midair.

       "Like what?!" Cedric asked. Everyone could see them, and everyone could hear a man calling them thieves. They were going to need a miracle.

       "I can get us some cover, it'll be chaotic, chaotic enough for me to transform back into a squirrel and hopefully for you to slip away looking like a confused bystander." Cedric explained.

       "Well, don't wait!" Cedric placed his hands together and muttered a few words. From his emerald glowing hands billowing fog emerged. The fog covered the entirety of the street, and made it almost impossible for anyone to see. It drew a lot of attention, but not a lot of attention to the two thieves.

       "Alright, I'm gonna transform back." Cedric said, once again shapeshifting into a squirrel and crawling into Eris' hood. Eris also muttered an incantation and drew their fingers through the air. Their form shifted into that of a young, brunette, half-elven woman. Eris, with their altered form, did their best to feign confusion and panic. Due to the general panic around them, no one was able to guess it was disingenuous. Part of the way back, the two were able to duck into an alley and transform back into their normal selves. Then, they both went back to the inn and immediately went to their room. Eris lay both of the daggers out on the bed. They were sheathed in hilts with glowing magical runes.

       "I wanna see what the actual dagger looks like." Cedric declared, gleeful of the mischief he had caused with Eris. Eris unsheated the dagger, and felt woozy as a flash ignited through the dagger.

       "What was that?!" They asked.

       "I dunno, but I can do the other one." Cedric said. There was another flash when it was unsheathed, but both were able to resist the effect. The daggers themselves were beautiful. Both were shiny with opalescence and glowing glyphs inscribed into the hilt. Eris, while only being a novice with the arcane, was able to discern that the enchantment upon them was powerful.

       "I'm surprised we pulled it off." They said with a laugh.

       "For a moment, we were partners in crime!" Cedric said with a laugh.

       "Yeah... partners in crime. Me and you."

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