Chapter 116

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       Ara'Sei felt two searing explosions of pain. One from her arm, one in her stomach. She recoiled from the guards that had attacked her. Ara' Sei raised her hands, and light began to build between them. Then, as she brought her hands together, there was a flash. For three of the guards, including those attacking her, their eyes glowed white as their vision went dark. Another had been able to avert their eyes just in time.

       Suddenly, Eris teleported behind one of the blinded guards. Then, a dagger was thrust into the guard's back, and his corpse fell to the floor.

       Ella charged at the blinded guards, now aware of their vulnerability. With one swing, she cut one of the blinded guards down. With another swipe, she decapitated the remaining guard that had been blinded by Ara' Sei's spell. She leapt at another guard, harnessing her momentum into two more swings of her blade which cut down another.

       "No wonder this place is dangerous, these guards can't fight to save anyone's lives!" Ella shouted.

       Zerai was able to impale his foe on his blade, before tossing the guard's corpse to the ground.

       Cedric leapt back from his assailants and put his hand forward. With a flash of emerald light, a thunderous sound shook through the streets. Two of the guards were flung to the floor, but one remained standing.

       In total, only three guards remained. But, this time, they refused to run. One went to attack Cedric. Another went to attack Ara' Sei. The last one charged at Eris. Both Ara' Sei and Cedric felt glancing blows. Eris was able to evade the spear that was thrust towards them.

       Ara' Sei stepped back and raised her hand towards her attacker. Rivers of firelight flowed down her arm, and from her palm a flaming spear erupted. The spear slammed into the guard, badly burning their stomach.

       Eris ran up behind the guard that was attacking Ara' Sei. With one quick swipe of their dagger, the guard was cut down.

       Ella ran at one of the remaining guards and cut them down with two arcs of her blade.

       Zerai finished off the last remaining guard by impaling her before twisting the blade and tossing the corpse to the ground.

       Now, the whole group could hear the clattering of armor as another group of guards drew near. Zerai muttered an incantation and began to glow.

       Cedric spotted thirteen guards in this squadron. After taking a brief moment of contemplation, he made his decision.

       With his hand, he drew a line in the air. Following his hand flames erupted in a wall across the wide street. The wall roared to life, completely obscuring the view on the other side.

       "Okay, what now!?" Cedric asked.

       "You bought us a moment, run!" Zerai said. No one objected. The group ran as quickly as they could away from the squadron of guards.

       "Cedric, can you help us sneak outta here?" Eris asked.

       "No, I thought we would be fighting demons. I didn't think your former teacher would turn out to be alive to send all of these guards after us!" Cedric said.

       "It is strange that all of these guards are going after us, only to die. He should know better than to make mistakes like that." Eris said.

      "No matter! Where are we going?" Zerai asked. 

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