Chapter 59

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       As the next day progressed, there were more and more ice floes all around the ship. At first they were the size of canoes. But from time to time they were almost as large as the ship itself. Almost all of them were small enough that they were shoved aside by the passing ship. But, the group knew that soon it would be very difficult to navigate through. As the day went on, the temperature barely increased.

       As dusk came, the temperature dropped. Below deck there were several chambers. Two of them were being used as bed rooms. One was being used by Eris, Cedric, and Zerai, while the other was being used by Ella and Ara' Sei. Even away from the cold wind, the chambers felt freezing. Cedric and Eris sat on the same cot, both of them had their cloaks wrapped around themselves.

       "Eris... It's... cold." Cedric pointed out.

       "Noticed." Eris replied tersely.

       "Should... we like... huddle together to stay warm?" Cedric asked. Eris looked at him.

       "Sure." The two scooted together and Cedric wrapped his arm around Cedric and ignited a small flame in the other. The small flame radiated precious warmth. Eris leaned into Cedric, resting their head on his shoulder.

       "What's it like when you use your magic?" Eris asked.

       "Well, it's... really difficult to explain."

       "Just do your best." Eris said with a smile.

       "It... feels like asking the world around you to do things... sort of. It feels like whispering to nature, and then nature giving an answer in the form of magic." Cedric explained shakily.

       "I wish my magic was like that." Eris responded.

       "What's your magic like?" Cedric asked.

       "My magic, it's not asking. It's calculating how much arcane power I have to utilize and where and it requires so many measurements and memorizations. It's nothing like asking and receiving." Eris answered.

       "Is it worth doing all of that for your magic?" Cedric asked.

       "Sometimes." Eris answered. Cedric extinguished the flame before laying down in the cot, pulling Eris with him. Both of them lay side by side, their faces a few inches from one another. Eris ran their hand through Cedric's hair.

       "Okaaayy I'll just be in the other room call if you need me." Zerai said, his face red. After he left, Eris chuckled.

       "Good job, you embarrassed him." Eris said jokingly.

       "Worth it." Cedric whispered back. Cedric placed his hand on the back of Eris' neck and pulled them towards him. Eris took off their cloak and used it as a makeshift blanket for the two of them.

       "Do you want to sleep like this?" Cedric asked.

       "Mmhmmm." Eris replied.

       "Alright, well... good night." Cedric said, somewhat flustered.

       "Good night Cedric." Eris used Cedric as a pillow, and he didn't seem to mind.

       Zerai eventually entered the room and went over to his cot. He didn't pay any mind to the others in the room, but he did feel like a third wheel.

       As the next morning came, Zerai awoke and walked up onto deck. Immediately, he was hit with biting wind and cold. He immediately ran back below deck, his teeth chattering loudly. He had no idea how they were going to keep going in this weather, and was uncertain about the path ahead.

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