Chapter 107

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       The next day, the group got up at dawn. Cedric meditated, preparing his power to cast the spell that would transport them halfway across the known world. After he finished meditating, Cedric gave the group breakfast.

       The group said goodbye to a barely awake Vara before finding a nearby pine grove. When Cedric had found the proper tree, he gathered the group. He extended his hand forward and muttered the incantation. An emerald outline of a doorway appeared in the tree, and Cedric opened the newly created door. In a hurry, the group walked through.

       The first thing that overcame them was the scent of the ocean in the distance. Then it was the vibrant green colors of the grass that surrounded the grove of trees.

       A small beach town was visible in the distance, a familiar beach town.

       "Cresselbrooke." Ara' Sei whispered.

       "So, this is where you all met?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei nodded in response. The group approached the town and entered. Soon, the group was able to navigate their way to the Beachside Tavern where this had all begun.

       Each of them in exception to Cedric and Ara' Sei ordered a drink. Then, they decided to discuss the further details of their trip.

       "So, we're a lot closer to Oarshear than we were before, but I remember the journey here from Oarshear still took a pretty long time." Eris explained.

       "You've done this journey before? How did you do it then?" Zerai asked.

       "On the way here? I went from Oarshear to Oakholme, then from Oakholme I went here. Oakholme is the halfway point, and it's the only settlement in central Sathun that made it onto the map. I'd recommend stopping there on the way to Oarshear." Eris said.

       "Is there any faster way?" Cedric asked.

       "I mean, if we cut straight there across Sathun, I'm sure that would be a few days faster. Given, when I travelled here I didn't have a druid that could create food with me." Eris said.

       "Okay, I'd say the best course of action is to cut straight across Sathun." Ara' Sei said.

       "That seems okay to me!" Ella said. Cedric nodded.

       "Sounds like a plan." Eris said.

       "When should we leave?" Zerai asked.

       "We have half the day left, when we finish our drinks, we can leave." Ara' Sei answered. Another thirty minutes went by before the party said goodbye to Cresselbrooke once again. They set out upon the grasslands that surrounded it, heading directly East.

       In a few hours, Cresselbrooke was far out of sight. The only thing that surrounded the group was constant grassland. The grass went up to their knees, and it was dotted with yellow and white wildflowers.

       "Central Sathun is beautiful, isn't it?" Zerai asked Ara' Sei.

       "It is. This feels like home, being surrounded by this." She said.

       "I've never seen so much... landscape. The giant endless mass has always been the ocean for me, so it's weird to see this." Zerai said.

       "I can only imagine. Seeing the ocean for the first time was so strange. Even though I lived so close to it, I never went to see it." Ara' Sei said.

       "What did you think when you first saw it?" Zerai asked.

       "It was terrifying. With the grasslands, you can see what's happening. Even though it's endless you can at least see it. But in the ocean, all you see is the surface, and none of the other things. It's a whole world that's so close to you that you're clueless about, and that's terrifying." Ara' Sei said.

       "You get used to it eventually, but it never goes away." Zerai said.

       "Never?" Ara' Sei asked. He shook his head.

       "Never, but you learn to live above it, someday."

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