Chapter 124

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       First, some of the warriors shifted into the shadows as well as they possibly could. The other warriors just began their advance.

       From the shadows, Eris aimed their dagger for Aaron's throat. Then, their dagger flew from the shadows straight for Aaron's throat. However, Aaron was quick, and the dagger flew into his stomach instead of his neck. He coughed blood and gave Eris a look of hatred.

       Leaping from the shadows, four warriors descended upon Eris. Four more charged towards the group.

       Eris parried the first strike with their dagger. However, the next three swipes hit Eris, and soon they were bleeding from several different wounds.

       Aaron Servilus coughed up blood before yanking out the dagger that had been hurled into his stomach. With his free hand, he drew a purple glyph in the air. Then, he vanished from view.

       Ara' Sei looked at the horde of warriors that stood in a group, looking in her direction with malice in their eyes. Ara' Sei raised her hand to the sky, and above the group of warriors a light shined. Then, a raging column of radiant flames was brought down from the sky. After the flames faded, several of the warriors had been turned to charred remains.

       Armed with his blade, Zerai charged at the dagger wielding warriors that had begun to move forward. With two rapid strikes, one of the warriors was cut down.

       Cedric stepped forward and held his arms outwards. Then, he whispered an incantation under his breath. Suddenly, a roaring inferno erupted among the group of warriors. Screams of terror and pain tore across the battlefield as half a dozen people were incinerated. Cedric collapsed to the ground from the effort of the spell, his face covered in sweat.

       Ella followed Zerai's lead and charged at the few warriors that had already ran forward. With two quick slashes, she cut one into two pieces. Then, with another strike she carved into another.

       Roya stepped forward and muttered a prayer. Ella and Zerai began to shine with faint sunlight, and so did Roya themself.

       The warriors in their various states of wellbeing charged forward. Three strikes hit Ella in rapid succession, and she was covered in cuts. Despite this, she still smiled gleefully.

       Zerai suffered a couple of glancing blows, but he was relatively unharmed.

       Ella burst into blue, radiant flames. She groaned as they seared her. She looked towards the source, which was one of the Atheiran clerics.

       The other pointed at Ella and spoke a word. Ella heard loud and clear in her mind. But she easily resisted its magical effect.

       "Drop!" The voice said. Ella smirked.

       "You really think I'll fall for cheap tricks like that!" Ella shouted with a laugh.

       Eris was now locked in battle with two adversaries. They were able to block the first strike and evade the second with ease. In return, Eris was able to get a jab into one of the warrior's stomachs.

       But, everyone on the battlefield has lost track of Aaron. And without any of them knowing, a bead of orange light flew across the battlefield. Cedric was able to notice.

       "Look o-!" But he noticed too late. A massive explosion erupted around Ara' Sei, Cedric, and Roya. None of them were able to evade it. When the flames cleared, Ara' Sei and Cedric were coughing. Roya lay on the ground, and they weren't moving.

       Cedric's eyes darted to find Aaron, but he was nowhere to be seen.

       The greatest threat to all of them wasn't anywhere to be seen.  

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