Chapter 182

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       The rest of the fifth day continued without issue, as evening descended, Cedric could no longer hold the spell as evening fell. Throughout the night, the temperature gradually rose.

       In the morning it was once again sweltering hot.

       "I'm not gonna be able to cast the spell yet. For the first couple of hours we need to withstand the heat. I can create a lot of wind for now but I won't be able to lower the temperature." Cedric explained.

       Then, he waved his arms while shouting an incantation in an unfamiliar tongue. The wind immediately picked up around the ship, and it blew forward. While still hot, the heat was easier to bear with the help of the strong breeze.

       Then, as the sun rose more, Cedric began casting the spell to control the weather. Within an hour, the temperature had cooled down and it became windy. It felt like what it usually would out on the ocean anywhere else in the world. The temperature was cool, and far easier to bear than the alternative.

       The seventh and eight days of travel continued with the same process every day. Cedric would use more localized gust of wind to last through the morning, before altering the weather for the rest of the day. Then, the temperature would gradually rise throughout the night, and it would repeat.

       On the ninth day of travel from Point Sathus, the group saw a massive cloud of steam for the first time. It was miles high, and stretched from horizon to horizon. But, as the ship sailed towards it, Cedric's area of altered weather blew it away, as Cedric had generated wind.

       "It's crazy, usually this would mean death for most sailors." Brie said.

       As the group sailed through, the cloud parted before them, but it was clear this cloud was miles upon miles across. Then, after over three hours, the group finally saw the other side open up before them, and they sailed through. The rest of the day passed uneventfully.

       As the tenth day came to pass, Ara' Sei noticed something about thirty minutes after Cedric had fully altered the weather to the group's needs.

       "There's something behind us!" She shouted with terror. She unfurled her wings and flew above the boat. Everyone, including Cedric ran to the back of the ship. About three hundred feet behind them, a massive, dark shape was following them.

       "Ara' Sei! Can you tell what it is from up there?" Zerai asked.

       "No. But, it's huge, and it has four things sticking out of it. It's kind of round too!" Ara' Sei shouted back. Brie pondered for a moment.

       "It kind of sounds like she's describing a turtle." Cedric commented.

       "I'm not sure. Massive turtles... following a ship..." Brie thought aloud. Eris' eyes widened.

       "I really hope it's not what I think it is." Eris said.

       "You're probably right, you were right about the dragon, after all." Cedric said.

       "That thing is a dragon turtle! We had better fight with all we've got or we're gonna lose this boat!" Eris shouted. 

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