Chapter 6

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Note: This chapter was really long. There was a lot more than usual that I wanted to do with this chapter so that's why it's so long. Sorry if it's offputting.

       The newly formed group fell asleep early after the stressful day of fighting. They awoke to a foggy, early morning. Cresselbrooke had barely begun to stir. Eris sharpened their daggers as they awoke. Cedric took some time to meditate. Ella felt her now healed wound, and was overjoyed at the fact she no longer felt ill and weak. Ara' Sei was staring out the window as the light of dawn gradually became brighter.

       The four of them gathered in the room that Ella and Ara' Sei had stayed in.

       "Okay, we have a job to do, any ideas?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I've meditated for a bit, today I could possibly get us some information." Cedric stated.

       "Well, how?" Ella asked.

       "You see... I can kind of... uh, on some days, if I meditate, I can talk to animals for a bit." Cedric explained nervously.

       "Wow! Really? Your capabilities are strange, Cedric." Ella replied.

"Ella, would you mind going with me as I do that?" Cedric asked.

       "Oh not at all!" Ella said with a smile.

       "Okay, that leaves me and Eris. I think I could talk to people around town, maybe talk to the guards more. Do you want to come with me, Eris?"

       "I'm not good for talking. I'd rather stay here, I'd only make it more difficult for you."

       "Are you sure? Look, anything could happen, Ella and Cedric will probably be in the woods or something. I'll need your help if anything happens." Ara' Sei explained.

       "You did plenty well when we encountered them. I'll just be around town in case anything happens. I shouldn't go talking to people." Eris answered.

       "Very well. Alright, let's get to it then." Ara' Sei declared. And with that, the group split up to investigate.

       Further inland from Cresselbrooke, there were mostly flat farmland plains. Miles upon miles of never ending, green grass. However, the plains were dotted with lush groves of trees. The grove nearest to Cresselbrooke was about two miles away. Cedric admired the beautiful scenery alongside Ella.

       "So, what kind of animal do you want to talk to?" Ella asked.

       "Well, I'm going to go for birds, maybe squirrels. I feel like those are the only kinds of animals you could find in a place like this that I could talk to." Cedric explained. Ella nodded, enthralled by his words. As the two entered the grove, the familiar smells of the forest filled Cedric's nose.

       "Okay, just a warning, we're going to be here a while." Cedric explained.

       "That's fine! I have no other plans and it gets us closer to getting paid." Ella replied loudly.

       "Shhh, you're going to scare them." Cedric whispered.

       "Oh, whoops, sorry!" Ella whispered loudly. Cedric sat on the floor of the grove. It was a mess of fallen leaves and tangled roots. He began to mutter a carefully practiced incantation. As he finally finished, he then walked up to one of the nearby trees. He placed his hand on the tree, muttering a few more words. Ella then watched in amazement as his hand glowed with faint emerald light, and the tree bark wrapped around his hands. Then, with ease, he ascended upward, his druidic magic creating handholds where there were none before. He scaled up into the treetop high above Ella.

       Over the next few hours, he spoke to birds and squirrels and all manner of creatures. The morning passed into afternoon, afternoon passed into early evening.

       "Cedric! You think we should head back?!" Ella shouted.

       "No, there's one kind of bird I need to talk to, but they'll only come out in the evening." Cedric shouted back.

       "What kind?!" Ella asked.

       "An owl, all of these animals don't know much. But owls, owls are perceptive. If I can find one of them they'll know way more than any other animal would." Cedric explained. So, the two of them waited still. Cedric continuously meditating, and Ella occasionally running around the grove, practicing with her greatsword.

       Then, in the dark, Ella spotted Cedric speaking with a large bird up above. The bird's wingbeats made no sound as it flew away. Using the same spell he had used to get up the tree, he climbed back down. And the two began to walk back.

       "Well, did you learn something?" Ella asked.

       "Yes, yes I did. I have a lot of things to tell them when we get back. We... should hurry though." Cedric whispered. The two began to run back.

       "Why the rush, it's a beautiful night?!" Ella asked.

       "Well... I'm kind of scared of the dark, even though I can kind of see in it. I'm really scared of being alone." Cedric explained.

       "Why?" Ella asked.

       "Ella... can you keep a secret?" Cedric asked.

       "If you want me to, of course!"

       "Well, there are others I know. They're like me, but they've been disappearing. Without a trace, and they're just gone. No one knows what happened to them. But they keep disappearing." Cedric whispered, his pace quickening.

       "Hmmm, so that's why you want to be with me." Ella stated.

       "Yes. Yes! Look, I don't know what happened to them, but I know I don't want the same to happen to me." Cedric explained.

       "I get it. There's nothing wrong with being scared of those things!" Ella said loudly.

       "Ok, ok. Yeah, I know. And it's for the best I found you guys." Cedric whispered.

       "Now! Let's get back to the others. I can't wait for you to tell me what you found out!"

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