Chapter 95

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       The two walked away from the shore and into the treeline. Cedric placed his hand on a wide trunked tree. An emerald silhouette of a doorway glowed upon the truck. The two stepped through the doorway, and emerged from one of the plants that they had walked by on the way out. The two climbed out of the garden, and navigated their way back to the inn. As they got back in, Eris ordered a couple of drinks for the two of them before they went to bed.

       The next day, Eris woke up as early as they could. At this point, Cedric was already meditating. Soon, both of them heard Ara' Sei's message. It was almost as if she were speaking in the room.

       "Come to me and Ella's room, we'll go downstairs and eat before leaving." The group all gathered their separate things and went to the girls' room. Then, they went downstairs, ate breakfast, checked out of the inn, and left. They walked to the exit of the city and left.

       Point Nordis was surrounded by misty foothill meadows and pine forests. As the group travelled further and further the smell of the sea gradually faded. It was jarring at first, as they hadn't been away from the ocean for over a week.

       As the day progressed, the fog faded, revealing the full scenery of the meadows. Behind and below them, the group could see the massive city of Point Nordis. It's high walls, tall buildings, and expansive harbor were all clear from their higher position.

       It had become evident as the hours passed that they were getting higher and higher. Soon, they saw the first sign.

       Corshick Mine, 15 miles.

       As the party continued to follow the signs, they were guided along pathways that winded ever upward. When evening descended, they saw the man before them. The mine was built into the side of a cliff that towered hundreds of feet high. There was a pit in front of the cliff, where passages had been carved into the mountain. Outside the mind was a gathering of tents.

       The village of tents was bustling with dwarves carrying tools and otherwise occupying themselves. The party received many stares as they entered the area.

       "Hey, y'all need sum?" One of the dwarves asked.

       "Yes, we wish to speak to your leader. It has come to our attention that you have a problem, and we believe we could be of aid." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Oh thank ya. She's in the big, reddish tent ova' yonder. Can't miss it, it's the only one that's different." The dwarf said before continuing with his business.

       Following the man's instructions, the group quickly found the red tent. Ara' Sei approached the flap of the tent.

       "Excuse me ma'am, pardon us. We were informed you were the leader of this mine." Ara' Sei started.

       "What the hell d'ya want I'm hella busy tryna keep my business afloat go somewhere else!" The woman shouted back.

       "We're here to help with the issue that's been causing your business to go down." Ara' Sei said. The tent flap opened.

       The woman had long, braided brown hair and a well trimmed beard. The muscles on her arms were well defined, and a rag was tied around her forehead that was stained with sweat.

       "Oh, alright. When can ya work?" She asked.

       "Tomorrow." Ara' Sei answered.

       "How much money ye need?" She asked. Ara' Sei glanced at Zerai. Eris whispered into Zerai's ear.

       "Fifteen hundred gold, three hundred tomorrow before we go in. The rest after we've cleared everything ou-"

       "Deal!" She said with a smile.

       "When you're done clearing out all the trouble in there, come up. I'll send some of me own back down with ya to check." The woman explained.

       "That's fine." Zerai said.

       "Alright, pleasure! My names Vara! Call for me if ye need anythin'. But, for now, I need to sleep. Good night!" The woman went back into her tent and the group glanced at each other. The party walked to the edge of the encampment.

       Cedric placed his hands upon the rocky ground and muttered an incantation. The stone began to reform and reshape itself. Within moments, the group had a small dome of rock to sleep under.

       "There, we can sleep here." Cedric said. Then, the party slept, preparing for what they would find in the mines. 

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