Kylo Ren - Bad Luck

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This is a request for GetOutOfMyFaceNow69
If anyone would like a request just message me! 💕

SUMMARY: as a new engineer you were terrified to meet the mighty Kylo Ren....but after a rough unexpected meeting with him you feel like your life is turning for the worse.....especially after you find out you have to fix repairs on his destroyer. Again you have a couple more rough meetings until he finally decides to do something about your clumsiness...


Being an engineer for the First Order is not easy, first of all I'm working under General Hux......that's all I'm gonna say for that one.

And second I don't talk at all. I pretty much avoid everyone except my friend Kas. I've only been here for a couple months so she's helped me so much with everything. Kas has seen the famous Kylo Ren.....she warns me to stay away because of his tantrums.

I haven't seen him yet....I'm terrified.

I held my data pad tightly against my chest as I rounded the corner on Snokes ship. As I hear a small ding I look down at the data pad to see an alert from General Hux, I had a meeting with him.

I curse under my breath and keep my head down as I pass the Stormtroopers around me. As I turn another corner I was slammed against someone's chest, making me fall back on my butt. I push my hair out of my face and look up to see Kylo Ren.

My eyes widen as he stares down at me, his hand clenched in a fist. "Watch where your going!" His voice raises. My bottom lip starts to quiver as I feel my lungs closing, I could feel my anxiety rising.

I quickly grab my data pad and pull myself up, whispering a "I'm sorry." And slipping passed him. Before I could leave his hand clasps tightly around my arm, pulling me back,

"What was that?" He says angrily. I stared up at him terrified, searching for any type of emotion through his mask.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Sorry what?" He asks, tightening his grip.

"S-Sir!" I squeal as I feel my knees buckling. He quickly lets go of me and walks away, leaving me flustered. My chest starts to rise and fall rapidly as I look around to see a crowd watching.

I jump as a pair of hands softly grab my shoulders and push me forward, I quickly turn to see Kas. "What were you thinking?" She asks as we go into a spare closet.

"I-I accidentally ran into him." I stutter.

"Didn't I tell you that you need to watch where your going? I know your shy but you have to look at people." She smiles and wipes my eyes.

"I know...I know." I whisper.

"I'll walk you to Hux's office." She grabs my hand and squeezes it. I try my best to keep my head up as others around me whisper, I was so first encounter with Kylo Ren was horrible. "You'll be okay....I'll see you soon." She smiles and pats my cheek. I sharply turn on my heel and knock on the door, after hearing a soft "come in" I walk in and shut the door.

"Ah...Y/N. What took you so long?"


"I actually don't care...Listen I need you to join Ren on his Destroyer. There's some repairs needed and I think your best for it."

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