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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You are a Storm Trooper and you are secretly dating another Trooper. Things go crazy when you escape together with the enemy.

You wanna know what sucks? There only being two female Storm Troopers. Captain Phasma and I are the only females in the entire squadron. It's nice we get our own quarters and bathroom, but the men treat us differently.

Kylo Ren and General Hux treat us with respect but the other Troopers do not. They think they all will get lucky with us, I've learned to kick some ass if one disrespects me.

Another thing that sucks is, I don't know my own name or my family, and I don't want to be apart of the First Order anymore. I don't feel right killing innocent people across the galaxy.

I marched down the hallway, holding my blaster tightly against me. I felt a hand on my shoulder roughly pull me into a closet. "Hey! What the fu- oh it's you." I watched as he took his helmet off and placed it on the ground, I did the same letting my hair flow out. "I missed you FN-2187" I grabbed onto him.

You see there is one Trooper who stole my heart, he was the only male to be genuinely nice. "I missed you too FA-2199." I leaned up to kiss him, I grabbed the back of his neck and stood on my tippy toes.

I pulled away and looked down. I felt his hand cup my chin and pull my face up to look at him. "What's wrong?" His face contorted in sadness.

"Do you ever think we don't belong here?" I whispered. He slightly looked away, brows knitted together.

"Sometimes." He looked back to me and pecked my lips. "I must go, I have to go to Jakku. I'll see you later I promise, I love you FA-2199." I reached up to give him one last kiss, then finally putting on his helmet for him.

"I love you FN-2187, be careful." I put on my own helmet and waited a couple minutes to leave.

I walked out and down the hallway, I was walking past a doorway when a familiar voice stopped me. "FA-2199." I looked over to see Kylo Ren, I slightly bowed to him. "I wish you were coming with us to Jakku, you would be great help. I've noticed your fighting skills, I'm going to talk with Phasma about promoting you."

I looked up at him, this felt wrong. "Oh wow, thank you Sir. That....means a lot to me." He looked at me for a couple more seconds until nodding at me before leaving. I didn't move until he was out of sight, I mentally slapped myself and walked to my quarters.

I peeled off all of my armor and decided to take a shower. Recently I've just been training and patrolling, there hasn't been much to do until today.

After my very long shower, I had multiple loud knocks on my door. "Alright alright I'm coming!" I yelled. I tightly wrapped my towel around my body and hurried to the door. When I opened it, a Trooper barged in with a bloody handprint on his helmet. "Uh excuse me?" I asked.

"FA-2199, let's escape together! We don't belong here, we can't kill innocent people!" I realized it was FN-2187 and calmed down.

"How can we?" I asked. I walked to my closet and began to change back into my armor.

"We can help the Resistance Pilot escape!" I walked out of my closet and grabbed a wet towel from the bathroom. I walked over and began to wash off the bloody hand print on his mask. "Thanks." He whispered.

"Let's go!" I smiled, placing on my helmet.

We were silently walking down the halls to the interrogation rooms, when we made it there was already a Trooper in there. "Ren wants the prisoner." I stayed silently at the door, the Resistance pilot stared at us in terror. His shackles released him, letting him stand up.

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