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⚠️⚠️NO SMUT⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: you are a Jedi that has been hunting the First Order for months, when you return to the new Resistance base you meet a young Jedi apprentice. Leia recruits you to train her but truths come out, feelings evolve.

With the last stroke of my saber, a full division of Stormtroopers was down. I looked around at my slaughter and breathed heavily, I wiped the dirt and sweat off my forehead and replaced my black hood over my head. I put my saber at my side and slowly walked to my ship, I looked back one last tome before leaving Endor.

Three Ties started to follow me, I dodged their blasts and spun around. I took two out and prepared for lightspeed for the other. As I hit the button I blasted the last one, finally making it out and back to Ajan Kloss.

After landing, a group of people came running up to my ship. I casually walked outside amongst the crowd, all asking the same question: "where have you been?"

I stopped in my tracks as I saw Leia standing ahead of me, she shook her head and smiled. I ran over to her and hugged her, she started to laugh. "Sorry I smell." I whispered. Leia was the only person I would let touch me, no one else can.

"How was hunting?" She wiped some dirt off of my face.

"Great, I took out 10 divisions, and 30 Ties in the 3 months I was gone." I pulled my hood more over my face, completely hidden.

"That's great! Good work Y/N, now go clean up in my chambers. I must speak with you once your done." She pulled me to her chambers and handed me a fresh pair of clothes, the same exact thing I was wearing. She couldn't see it but I smiled, I thanked her and left to shower.

As I was showering I could hear Leia's thoughts, she was worried. Worried for me and my brother, worried I would join him in the Dark Side. She also missed Luke and Han, she knew something was going to happen.

I changed into my clothes and put my hair up, I looked at my scarred flesh on my face. I instantly threw my long hood up, totally making my face disappear, and then walked out and sat next to Leia on her bed.

"My dear, you don't have to wear that hood around me." She smiled.

"I would rather wear it mother." I whispered.

Yeah Yeah I'm the daughter of Leia and Han, Bens twin. I don't tell people this.

"Oh alright. We have a young Jedi apprentice here, I would like you to train her. Something is coming Y/N, we need all the help we can get."

"I can't mother, I must leave again." I looked away.

"Stay here, you've done a lot of work. Take a break and help me, please." I looked into her hope-filled eyes and sighed.

"Oh alright mother. What's her name?"

"Rey." She smiled.

"Okay where's this Rey person at?" I stood up.

"Outside by the Falcon." She waved me off. I left in a hurry, my heeled boots getting the distraction of everyone I passed. Once the Falcon came to view, I saw Chewie, Poe, and a girl talking.

"Hey Poe, hey Chewie!" I waved.

"Y/N!" Poe's eyes widened, he ran and almost hugged me but stopped. "Sorry, I almost forgot." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's alright, do you know a Rey?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, she's right there." Poe pointed over to the girl. I eyed her curiously, she looked over to me with a confused look.

"Thanks." I walked passed Poe and up to Rey. I instantly noticed how much taller I was than her, she looked up to me in confusion. I felt a very strange connection to her. "Hello Rey, I am going to train you." She tried looking into my hood, searching for a face. She wondered if I was even here or a creature. "I can assure you that I am actually here, and I'm no creature." I laughed.

I smiled as Rey blushed in embarrassment, she stuck out her hand to me. "Hi it's nice to me you, what is your name?" She smiled. I looked down to her hand and walked past her.

"Y/N. Now follow me and bring your saber." I crossed my arms behind my back and held my head up high.

As I walked through the forest I found a perfect spot. I slightly turned my head at the sound of feet running behind me, Rey was slightly panting and clutching onto her chest. "Oh my stars you walk fast!"

"Sorry it's the long legs." I laughed. I waited for her to catch her breath to begin, I watch how she slowly wiped the sweat off her head, she looked breathtaking. "Okay pick up the helmet and start the training course, then we will duel." Rey instantly picked up the helmet and started to run.

I watched her fade from my view and turned around. "Be nice Y/N." I hear my mother's voice in my head.

"I am! I am!" I yelled back. I rolled my eyes and turned back around as I heard someone behind me. Rey came running up with a red string. "Good job. Now ignite your saber." She nodded and did as I said.

I took my saber out and ignited it, it's yellow glow lit up my black outfit. Rey's eyes slightly widened, she lunges forward and I moved to the left away from her. I had fun dodging Rey's lunges for a good 5 minutes until I striked back.

I stared deep in Rey's eyes as our sabers clashed together, I pushed her back and backed away as I saw something. "S-Stop!" I yelled out. Rey stood there panting, she looked to the ground confused. I knew she had seen it too.

"What was that?" She whispered.

"I don't believe it, it can't be?"

"What?" She stepped forward.

"We are a Dyad." I shakily said. "I saw our connection, our future."

"I- a what?"

"Two that are one. We are connected through the force, this is why I felt a strange pull to you." I shook my head.

"I did too. that we are like connected or something...soulmates technically, can I see your face?" She smiled.

I looked away for a second before shakily grabbing the edge of my hood. "Promise you won't be scared, or laugh at me?" I couldn't believe I actually was going to show her this soon, but I felt like I could trust her.

"I promise."

I carefully removed my hood and turned to face her. Her mouth slightly opened in shock as she looked me over, she moved her hand up to touch me but I moved back. "Sorry." She quickly put her hand down. "If you don't mind me asking, but what happened?" She smiled warmly at me, for comfort.

"Uh...Kylo Ren did this." Fuck it, might as well tell her. "My twin brother..."

Rey gasped. "I'm so sorry!" She cried out.

"No it's okay, it was really just an accident. He didn't see me in his rage at the Temple. When he realized what he had done, I knew he instantly regretted it. But I'm permanently scarred, I'm hideous."

"Y/N your beautiful. That's why I gasped in shock, I think your beautiful." She smiled.

"Can I try something?" Rey nodded. I slowly removed my glove and held my hand out to her. She slowly raised hers and pressed it against mine. I gasped at the contact but instead of feeling scared I felt safe.

I instantly pulled her against me into a hug and let my tears fall. Rey held onto me and rubbed my back.

When I felt myself calming down, I leaned back. "Sorry, I've only ever let my mom touch me." I looked away.

Rey softly placed her hand on my scarred cheek and turned me to face her. She leaned closer to my ear, "it's okay, I'm here now. I'm never letting you go." She whispered.

Rey softly placed a kissed on my scarred cheek, she got up and pulled me up with her. The whole way I held her hand, when I tried to put my hood up she stopped me. She reassured me that it's okay, that I'm beautiful.

And I trust her.


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