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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️ Also you are basically a female Ben Solo. Instead you are Y/N Solo.

SUMMARY: After defeating Palpatine, Rey had died, the only thing you could think to do was give her your life. But it didn't turn out how you thought it would.

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see I had fallen down pretty hard. A medium sized heavy rock had landed on my ankle, I used the force to lift it off and then pulled myself up. I held onto my side, I knew I had broken a couple ribs. After taking a beating from my knights, and now falling all the way down here, I was in bad shape.

But that didn't matter, I need to get to Rey, I needed to help her. I looked around for a spot to start climbing and found a ledge in the wall. With a yelp, I pulled myself up on the first one. I stumbled and screamed out as I made it to each ledge. I didn't stop. I ducked as a powerful explosion rang out several feet above me. I feared the worst when I felt empty. I felt a part of me soulmate.

My hand slammed down on the last ledge, I pulled myself up and held onto my side. I looked around for Rey, until I saw her.....No she can't be.........she was laying on the floor, not moving. I limped over to her as fast as I could, falling on the way there. I sucked in a breath and pulled myself up again. Once I made it to Rey, I dropped down to my knees, I softly grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. I looked her over, her eyes staring up to the sky, she was dead. I looked around as I started to cry, I pulled her up to hug her, stealing this moment because I knew she wouldn't want this when she's up. I knew what I had to do now, I knew what my purpose was. Saving her. It would be okay for her to walk out of here, not looking back at me. That's what she should do.

I placed my hand on her stomach and closed my eyes. I poured everything I had into her, all of me. I felt a soft hand on my hand, I opened my eyes to see the life returning to Rey's face. She sat up  and looked me over. Instead of leaving, she smiled, "Y/N?" Her hand softly caressed my cheek, she looked me over before leaning in and placing her lips onto mine.

Our lips molded together perfectly, like they were made for each other. I felt myself growing colder, Rey had noticed and pulled away. I smiled brightly to her, showing her my real smile. She smiled back and caressed my face, her smile faded when I fell back. She held my head as I fell, I could feel her holding my hand, crying.

The galaxy seemed the disappear from my eyes, until my mother came into my view. We were in Naboo, by the lake. "My baby." She smiled and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry mom." I started to cry. She tried to wipe the dirt off of my face, and laughed at the hole in my sweater.

"Honey it's not your time to go yet, it's my time. I can be with your father and uncle now. It's your time with Rey. Live here, in our castle. You know where it is." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "We love you Y/N."

"I love you." I smiled, I felt like I got punched in the chest, all of a sudden I was falling back into the ground and down into my own body. My eyes slowly opened, I felt something shaking on my stomach. I looked down to see Rey, holding my hand and crying into my stomach. "Rey?" I slowly ask.

Rey jumps up and smiles. "Y/N!" She hugs onto me.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"I couldn't leave you, I can't." She smiles. Rey leans down and kisses me again. She pulls away and helps me up. I groan and hold my side again, Rey helps me limp out, we reached the two ships, she looks at me worriedly. "Will you be okay to fly?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. As long as they don't shoot me down." I chuckle.

"Follow me, I'll make sure your okay." She smiles, she helps me into the old Tie Fighter before getting into the X-Wing. When she takes off, I follow her. About two minutes into flying someone starts to shoot. "No! No! Don't shoot! She's good, that Tie is good!" I hear Rey yell into the communicator.

"You sure?" I hear someone say.

"Yes Poe, she's good."

I follow them to the Resistance base, I'm the last to land. When I step out, everyone's cheers and hugging stops and they look at me. "It's Y/N Ren!" Someone yells.

"Stop!" I hear Reys voice. She runs over to me as I fall to my knees. "Come on, we need to get you a doctor." I wipe my tears as we pass by all the wide-eyed resistance members.

The doctor hesitantly looks me over, wrapping my side and my ankle. When I'm settled in the bed, Rey walks in with a cup. "I got you some water." She smiles. I hesitantly take a few sips before setting it down. "Are you okay?"

"I knew it was a bad idea for me to come here." I looked away. Rey instantly came and sat by my side. She wiped my tears and smiled.

"They just don't know the truth. I'll show them." Before I could answer two men walked in. One I knew to be FN-2187. They looked angry.

"What the hell is she doing here." The other man yelled. I noticed his voice was familiar, he was Poe.

"Out in the hall.  Now." Rey stood up and smiled at me before leaving.

She didn't come back at all that night, or the next two. I was cleared to leave, they had healed me. But the problem was I don't know where to go. Just as I was going to leave and wonder around, Rey ran inside. "Oh good your still here." She smiled. Her smile faded when she noticed I didn't smile back. "Y/N, I'm so sorry I haven't been back. I've been talking with everyone, telling our story. They are very forgiving. It took a lot of work."

"What exactly is our story?" I made sure to point out our.

"That you stood by my side and helped me defeat Palpatine, you gave me hope. That.....I love you." She blushes.

" me?"

"Yes. Very much." She steps closer.

"Why?" I asked shocked.

"Because you are truly an amazing person. You found your way back to the light, for me. You risked everything for me. You even sacrificed yourself for me. I want to wake up everyday next to you, I want to stand by your side forever. If that's not love then I don't know what is."  She steps closer again, this time only inches away from me.

"Rey I love you." I whispered before pulling her onto me and leaning down to kiss her. Again our lips molded together perfectly, I was finally happy. I pulled away and rested my head against hers. "What are we doing now?"

"Well we must find a home. The only home I've known is in Jakku."  She looked away.

"Home is with each other. I'm home when I'm with you, always. How about Naboo? My family owns a castle there. You would love the lake."  I smile.

"That sounds perfect my love."

I kiss her again.

I'm so in love with this woman.

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